I was bore…so I watch the news introduction rap fancam (again)….and I noticed something I didn’t notice before…
So at first it was massu who was introduced, then shige and finally koyama. Then the chorus part. After tht, it was yuya, yamapi and lastly ryo.
I just realized tht it was only massu, koyama n shige singing the first chorus part. and during tht time yuya, yamapi nryo was no where to be seen. It was probably becoz thy were changing clothes becoz whn they appear again, the clothes were diff XD.
after yuya, yamapi n ryo appear, the second chorus was sang by three of them only. In the last part then thy all sing again XD. hehe…and some random thought when I was wathing the vid, yuya’s, yamapi’s and ryo’s voice combination is quite good eh? XD