yesterday i dwnload the mebachiko song by oshitari. i luv this song. it is so funny and crack! and the fact tht i luv kansai-ben make i luv it more XD.
trust tenipuri to make a crack songs ne...hahahaha. i love it!!!! and also, i love oshitari now!!!!!!!!!
at first i was kinda scare of him coz i hav this feeling tht he is somekind of a perverted person XDDDDD. his seductive voice in the valentine songs scares me XDDDDDDD. but now i hav to admit. i love the guy XDD. i luv hyoutei more and more now XDDDD
exclusive: the pic tht make me officially an oshitari fan
OMFG. OSHITARI-SAMA o________________0
oh, hello there tezuka. you look freakin hot too XD . pls blame oshitari for distracting me.
Mebachiko translation -by athena8 @ LJ-
woke up this morning, and glanced at my alarm clock
And I was shocked, I overslept
I had to rush to get ready
Cuz last night I was on the phone until late,
Having a long conversation with Atobe
I have to hurry and shampoo, brush my teeth, style my hair
Throw on my uniform, grab my bag, oops, can't forget my cell phone
Hmm, anything else?
I put on my glasses and thought, "It's time to go!"
But whoa, that's this? (I've got a mebachiko...)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm talking about a sty)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't mess with it)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I should put in some eye drops)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm gonna be dejected all day)
Let's make takoyaki*! It's been a while! Let's make a lot of 'em!
Damn it, it doesn't taste good!
Did you grab some that weren't too fresh? That's no good, is it donko or konpachi?**
No, no, no, no, isn't that kind of dated?
And come to think of it, how old are you anyway with that perm?
You're a pretty funny guy. What do you wanna drink? Iced coffee? Hiyashiame? You wanna have some candy? Here!
McDonald's? For real?
I dunno about that, it's kinda scary.
How can you say that, that's messed up!
It's true, it's true, it's true, I'm telling you!
I don't care, I don't care, leave it to me.
Dinner will be obanzai, like banzai or manzai?***
(This is like a manga...)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't talk like that)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (It irritates me)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't get carried away)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't keep saying it)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (That pisses me off)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (It irritates me)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (How odd)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Did someone give it to me?)
Ah....come to think of it, in his eyes, too..!!
...did I get too close to him?
MEBACHIKO x 3 (That's what I thought)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (He gave it to me)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (It can't be helped)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm gonna be dejected all day)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm talking about a sty)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I said you shouldn't mess with it)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I should put in some eye drops)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (MEBACHIKO...dismissed!)
~~~~ * ~~~~
(*) takoyaki: Octopus in fried batter
(**) I have no idea what he means here when he says "donko ka konpachi." A donko and kAnpachi are types of fish, but that doesn't seem to make any sense here. Not that anything makes sense in this stanza, lol.
another version:
Okay, wake up, it's morning sleepyhead, get up, get ready
I stayed up late last night on the phone with Atobe
Put on my shirt, brush my teeth, set my hair
My uniform, my bag, can't forget my cellphone! Wait, what else...?
All right, I heard you already, Mom, I'm eating breakfast and I don't have /time/!
Put on my glasses and see ya! At least, until I saw what was on my face. No! (Mebachiko!)
Mebachiko (It's a red or swollen eye)
Mebachiko (Don't touch it)
Mebachiko (Why eyedrops were invented)
Mebachiko (A day of sorrow)
Hadn't had takoyaki in a while. Make that plenty of takoyaki! Ah, damn, not that much left
Pachimon, I said. Ever heard of it? It's cheap second-class junk! Are you stupid or just simple?
No no no no no no and don't you think you're too old fashioned? With that perm you could look like ancient history
Well, that's your opinion. What'll you have? Iced Coffee? Hiyashi ame? You want candy? Here!
McDonalds? Are you kidding me? I don't know you, you're old news, yeah, I've heard it all No way no how no kidding! Got it?!
I don't care, just leave it to me and I'll get your breakfast, banzai, wait, banzai is too manzai-like (a kind of comedy)... (This is like a manga...)
Mebachiko (So I hear)
Mebachiko (You're getting on my nerves)
Mebachiko (Same to you)
Mebachiko (How many times do you have to say that?)
Mebachiko (Now you're pissing me off)
Mebachiko (Keep it up)
Mebachiko (You're just not normal)
Mebachiko (Want me to hit you?)
And when I said that, I saw it in his eyes too!
....Maybe I got too close?
Mebachiko (That's what I thought)
Mebachiko (Bragging rights)
Mebachiko (Ahh, well, if you say so.... I'll let it go)
Mebachiko (A day of sorrow)
Mebachiko (It's a red or swollen eye)
Mebachiko (Don't touch it)
Mebachiko (Why eyedrops were invented)
Mebachiko (MEBACHIKO. It's "Itte Yoshi.")
"Don't try to swich your eyeglasses with someone else's!"