today is Wednesday (29 april 09)...emm....i was going to get my pc at saberkas but it rain....the whole story below..
i woke up i had to use the 12 pm bus...and then i wait for van to go to saberkas...and there was a guy waiting there too.haha..and then came his 2 frens...haha!!! the 2 guys who came later looks kinda familiar to me..where did i see them ne...cant remember...anyway...and then, there is a van so me and the 1st guy use that van..dunno why the 2 othr guys dun...many thy waiting for the bus? cheaper by bus ne...and then suddenly the van driver said he had to sent someone else (school students) so he sent us back to unimas bus station..haiya...and then it started to i decided to cancel my plan to get the pc today. but i still waited bcoz it's kinda embarrass to just go away..haha...and then another van come...but it was full...the 1st guy went in..and then the 2 guys seems to wait for sumthing.. (me mayb XDD) well, i dun want to take the van...and then the 2 guys also get in the van...aftr that i went back to unimas...I WAS SOAKING WET!! it rain very heavily...but then when i came at campus baru, there was no rain..WTH??? gah. i should hav get my pc today..hope tomoro goes smoothly..
that's all...bye!!!
April 29, 2009
April 25, 2009
Random talk session 74: a lot of things
yesterday was my last paper...polymer..IT WAS SO FREAKIN HARD!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! I DUN WANT TO REPEAT THIS FREAKIN SUBJECT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a few of my anime rants..
about gintama:
the dog in the gintama anime is call sadaharu.
who is the other sadaharu i kno?? it's inui sadaharu from prince of tennis. and dog is inui in japanese. get it? now i'll be thinking of inui when i c sadaharu XDD haha!!!
and lately inui made me think of spanner...haha XDD
LOL gintama is so random anime...sometime serious sometimes stupid...haha!!! yakitate japan still win though, just bcoz they made a parody of their own anime..cant beat that, ne. XDD
lol shisengumi is so funny...hearing sougou (souji rite?) voice and gintoki's voice makes me feel weird and some familiar feeling. it takes a while until i figure it out...haha XD it's bcoz the guys also did the voice for XTV anime....sougou's voice actor, suzumura kenichi do kamui's voice while gintoki's voice actor, sugita tomokazu do subaru's voice...these 2 characs are quite close ne, that's y i hav that familiar feeling XDDD
about darker than black:
i wacthed darker than black ep 1...and then i dun hav the mood to wacth it again now..WTH kiuchi??? why is his charac alwys kiss the girl in the 1st ep??? i was soooo jealous jsdfhsghsdgh DX hei-sama >.<
about eiji, hitman reborn (spoilers alert), and ryohei XD
been listening to cap to bin song lately....gah..eiji's voice *_* i am still amazed of hiroki-san for being able to SING with that voice XDD AND also RAP with that voice. hahaha!!! kyaaa!! eiji's voice sooo cute and high and yet hiroki's normal voice is deep and rough..i'll nvr get over that will i..haha...i love squalo XDD haha!! wht with the random squalo?? XD
update..hitman reborn.....why is kyoya from the past come????? i hope there is a proper explanantion for all this random time travel....emmm...i hope ryohei from the past can come to the future too XDDD not enough love for ryohei....poor ryohei....why do i alwsy fall for the not so popular guy XDD hahaha!!!
ok, first of all, he is one of the guardians, but he has no song until 2 years later....even his sis had a song and even that i-pin and rambo also has a song. and even the villain, varia members had one each. LOL ryohei, u LOST to lussuria yo!!! hahaha!!!
poor ryohei....i think he is the mangaka's@anime production least fav charac? XDD
about the movie mummy 3:
wacthed mummy 3...bfore that i read the coments on utube and many said it's suck..and i think so too....the story is so bad...i mean, 1, the part when they need a pure heart's blood to open the shngri-la was so corny and also, conveniently, evy is the person...i meant, it's not that i dun agree that evey is a good person, but really, why so conveniet????
2. the part when the evil emperor came so fast to their hideout is also so's like there is no use in hiding in the 1st place...
3. alex fallen in love with the girl...i dunno...i find it's so lame...the girl want to kill him in the 1st meating and then the next thing he's in love with her..and apparently the girl likes her back...lame man...lame...
but i still like the jokes style ffrom mummy movie XDD rick is so funny XDD and also the part with the skull soilders(the good one) is funny XDD when he hit his skull fren and apologized XDD hahah!!!
wacthing that movie made me want to watch mummy1 and 2 again...haha XDD
end!! is a few of my anime rants..
about gintama:
the dog in the gintama anime is call sadaharu.
who is the other sadaharu i kno?? it's inui sadaharu from prince of tennis. and dog is inui in japanese. get it? now i'll be thinking of inui when i c sadaharu XDD haha!!!
and lately inui made me think of spanner...haha XDD
LOL gintama is so random anime...sometime serious sometimes stupid...haha!!! yakitate japan still win though, just bcoz they made a parody of their own anime..cant beat that, ne. XDD
lol shisengumi is so funny...hearing sougou (souji rite?) voice and gintoki's voice makes me feel weird and some familiar feeling. it takes a while until i figure it out...haha XD it's bcoz the guys also did the voice for XTV anime....sougou's voice actor, suzumura kenichi do kamui's voice while gintoki's voice actor, sugita tomokazu do subaru's voice...these 2 characs are quite close ne, that's y i hav that familiar feeling XDDD
about darker than black:
i wacthed darker than black ep 1...and then i dun hav the mood to wacth it again now..WTH kiuchi??? why is his charac alwys kiss the girl in the 1st ep??? i was soooo jealous jsdfhsghsdgh DX hei-sama >.<
about eiji, hitman reborn (spoilers alert), and ryohei XD
been listening to cap to bin song lately....gah..eiji's voice *_* i am still amazed of hiroki-san for being able to SING with that voice XDD AND also RAP with that voice. hahaha!!! kyaaa!! eiji's voice sooo cute and high and yet hiroki's normal voice is deep and rough..i'll nvr get over that will i..haha...i love squalo XDD haha!! wht with the random squalo?? XD
update..hitman reborn.....why is kyoya from the past come????? i hope there is a proper explanantion for all this random time travel....emmm...i hope ryohei from the past can come to the future too XDDD not enough love for ryohei....poor ryohei....why do i alwsy fall for the not so popular guy XDD hahaha!!!
ok, first of all, he is one of the guardians, but he has no song until 2 years later....even his sis had a song and even that i-pin and rambo also has a song. and even the villain, varia members had one each. LOL ryohei, u LOST to lussuria yo!!! hahaha!!!
poor ryohei....i think he is the mangaka's@anime production least fav charac? XDD
about the movie mummy 3:
wacthed mummy 3...bfore that i read the coments on utube and many said it's suck..and i think so too....the story is so bad...i mean, 1, the part when they need a pure heart's blood to open the shngri-la was so corny and also, conveniently, evy is the person...i meant, it's not that i dun agree that evey is a good person, but really, why so conveniet????
2. the part when the evil emperor came so fast to their hideout is also so's like there is no use in hiding in the 1st place...
3. alex fallen in love with the girl...i dunno...i find it's so lame...the girl want to kill him in the 1st meating and then the next thing he's in love with her..and apparently the girl likes her back...lame man...lame...
but i still like the jokes style ffrom mummy movie XDD rick is so funny XDD and also the part with the skull soilders(the good one) is funny XDD when he hit his skull fren and apologized XDD hahah!!!
wacthing that movie made me want to watch mummy1 and 2 again...haha XDD
April 14, 2009
random talk session 73: yet
wow...sumthing tonde mundai happen today..Dr.Abu suddenly tegur us!! it's so unsual. even when we are still studying at unimas, he never speak to strange..
Random talk session 72: me again.. again..dunno what to lok for in the mind is, the usual..tenma! tenma! tenma!!
gah...i love him soo much...i like tis feeling..i want it to last forever....but, considering it's me, i think i'll forgot him aftr i finish wacthing monster....i am so sad just thnking of it...i love you tenma...
emm..ok, enough of the emo...actually i was trying to find oshitari on the radio talk (from oshitari album) translation...i dun find any tho...kiuchi sounds so funny...haha...he cursed 2 times! haha!! and when he was unable to change to oshitari's voice too XD so cute XD he said: "..mou dekinai"
haha!!! i think mayb i'll translate it if i hav time? I HAVE FINAL EXAM NEXT WEEK!!!!
gah...i love him soo much...i like tis feeling..i want it to last forever....but, considering it's me, i think i'll forgot him aftr i finish wacthing monster....i am so sad just thnking of it...i love you tenma...
emm..ok, enough of the emo...actually i was trying to find oshitari on the radio talk (from oshitari album) translation...i dun find any tho...kiuchi sounds so funny...haha...he cursed 2 times! haha!! and when he was unable to change to oshitari's voice too XD so cute XD he said: "..mou dekinai"
haha!!! i think mayb i'll translate it if i hav time? I HAVE FINAL EXAM NEXT WEEK!!!!
Random talk session 71: aishiteru yo...
i love him soooo much!!!!!!!!!!
me, who usually fall for the bishonen type of guy. is actually in love with this kinda can i not??? he is like the kindness hero i ever the show, my fav moment,can u guess? it's whn he's happy and smiling. i love him so much!!!
i'm so glad he is voice by kiuchi XD
now i feel more awkward toward him (kiuchi XD).
and bcoz kiuchi also has a "hige"(moustache) just look at his face, u kno wht i mean XD..mayb i also c kiuchi whn i c tenma...wait..NO. i dun think so. kiuchi is too genki and too funny to be the emo tenma XDDD
oh!! see the little strand of hair?? i love that XDDD aww!!!!
gah. i want to hug tis guy.
April 04, 2009
Random talk session 70: Kiuchi Hidenobu
been a while since i update...been so lazy XDDD
well, just want to express my feeling for kiuchi-san XDD
so that i'll remember that i was sooo in love with him. which i think is sooo wrong. and so very disturbing. XDD. hahah!!
who is tis kiuchi? seriously, he will scare anybody. hahaha XDD
my new obsession. kiuchi-san!! XDD full name kiuchi hidenobu. he is a seiyuu. how old was he..hhmm...i'll check later...but i think he's almost 40? XD well, typical me falling for old guys XDD
what kind of guy he is? wel, his trademark is his wel built body and also his small eyes XDD aww!!! cute XDD
kiuchi hidenobu...i hear his 1st voice acting as oshitari yuushi XD and aftr i kno abt megane's i fall for him abt i see the cover for megane's 1st single (go go go megane's). so, it began after i fallen for oshitari.
and earlier, actually oshitari scares me, bcoz his singing sound so seducing XDDD
and then, rite aftr i come to love oshitari, i found the 100 songs marathon vid. and his seiyuu is kiuchi hidenobu. he scare me too. yup, totally. i didnt like him. how could i.
anyhow. even oshitari's seiyuu scares me, i still love oshitari. i dwld all of megane's single and talk. and then wit the thought of respecting him for creating megane's i slowly, beginning to like him XD most probably bcoz of oshitari XD
and my love solid a bit whn i hear him in sayonara megane talk (Seiyuu talk) LOL. at that time is still cant hear his oshitari's voice. bcoz seriously he is one of those seiyuu that has a unique voice. it's sound so diff frm his talking voice,,,he also can sing using his character voice (oshitari). and i think his osaka dialect influence me in loving him more too XD
kiuchi laugh histerically XD hahahaha!!!!
and then recently i wacthed hitman 1st ryohei really dun attract me at all. but aftr i kno he is voice by kiuchi, i feel that i must love him XD and then i just want ryohei too come out bcoz i want to hear his ryohei voice XD at that times i still dun recoqnized his voice..but now i think i do XD and then i download ryohei's character song just bcoz i want to hear his ryohei singing voice XD omg i totally love the song. and the cover for the song is just so freaking hawt!! hawT!!! jskdfhs so HAWT!!! and i think there is where my real obsession of ryohei and kiuchi start XD. i also dwld-ed reborn's con carnival...and i once again i absolutely fall for kiuchi there. i thought he was so funny and when he lift nakamaru i am just amazed. he is the real deal. he is strong xDDD and my love increase yet again XD And then i also listen to reboraji and then my love increase yet again. XDDD and then i also begin to dwld monster to hear his voice XD omg tenma's character is sdjfhgdhfsg he is so my guy. with a very pure, innocent, kind-hearted!!! his kindness melt my heart!!! he is the kind of guy tht would be shy and passive and blushed when girls want to flirt with him and yet, he will approach a quiet girl and try to talk with her to make the girl feel comfortable and all better. gah. he is so nice...he is an angel. every time he appeared in the anime, my heart feel warm and fuzzy muzzy..when he cry, i feel like hugging him so much..he is too pure for tears!!! jdshfgjh
kyahh!! i love tenma!! and kiuchi XDD
that's all. my story of kiuchi. XD
well, just want to express my feeling for kiuchi-san XDD
so that i'll remember that i was sooo in love with him. which i think is sooo wrong. and so very disturbing. XDD. hahah!!
who is tis kiuchi? seriously, he will scare anybody. hahaha XDD
my new obsession. kiuchi-san!! XDD full name kiuchi hidenobu. he is a seiyuu. how old was he..hhmm...i'll check later...but i think he's almost 40? XD well, typical me falling for old guys XDD
what kind of guy he is? wel, his trademark is his wel built body and also his small eyes XDD aww!!! cute XDD
kiuchi hidenobu...i hear his 1st voice acting as oshitari yuushi XD and aftr i kno abt megane's i fall for him abt i see the cover for megane's 1st single (go go go megane's). so, it began after i fallen for oshitari.
and earlier, actually oshitari scares me, bcoz his singing sound so seducing XDDD
and then, rite aftr i come to love oshitari, i found the 100 songs marathon vid. and his seiyuu is kiuchi hidenobu. he scare me too. yup, totally. i didnt like him. how could i.
anyhow. even oshitari's seiyuu scares me, i still love oshitari. i dwld all of megane's single and talk. and then wit the thought of respecting him for creating megane's i slowly, beginning to like him XD most probably bcoz of oshitari XD
and my love solid a bit whn i hear him in sayonara megane talk (Seiyuu talk) LOL. at that time is still cant hear his oshitari's voice. bcoz seriously he is one of those seiyuu that has a unique voice. it's sound so diff frm his talking voice,,,he also can sing using his character voice (oshitari). and i think his osaka dialect influence me in loving him more too XD
kiuchi laugh histerically XD hahahaha!!!!
and then recently i wacthed hitman 1st ryohei really dun attract me at all. but aftr i kno he is voice by kiuchi, i feel that i must love him XD and then i just want ryohei too come out bcoz i want to hear his ryohei voice XD at that times i still dun recoqnized his voice..but now i think i do XD and then i download ryohei's character song just bcoz i want to hear his ryohei singing voice XD omg i totally love the song. and the cover for the song is just so freaking hawt!! hawT!!! jskdfhs so HAWT!!! and i think there is where my real obsession of ryohei and kiuchi start XD. i also dwld-ed reborn's con carnival...and i once again i absolutely fall for kiuchi there. i thought he was so funny and when he lift nakamaru i am just amazed. he is the real deal. he is strong xDDD and my love increase yet again XD And then i also listen to reboraji and then my love increase yet again. XDDD and then i also begin to dwld monster to hear his voice XD omg tenma's character is sdjfhgdhfsg he is so my guy. with a very pure, innocent, kind-hearted!!! his kindness melt my heart!!! he is the kind of guy tht would be shy and passive and blushed when girls want to flirt with him and yet, he will approach a quiet girl and try to talk with her to make the girl feel comfortable and all better. gah. he is so nice...he is an angel. every time he appeared in the anime, my heart feel warm and fuzzy muzzy..when he cry, i feel like hugging him so much..he is too pure for tears!!! jdshfgjh
kyahh!! i love tenma!! and kiuchi XDD
that's all. my story of kiuchi. XD