hello! today is monday 13/7/2009....wake up at 11am today..and then walk to faculty..go to lab com...i want to find a way to compress a 8 gb dvd movie to a 4 gb dvd..aftr i google it, i found some ways...i hope it work...i dun want to buy the dvd XD
ahh..about my layout..it is not compatible wit internet explorer...so sad :( i really love tis layout tho...in the future mayb i'll change it again...the one that can be view in IE...aii...
now is 2:48 pm..aah..i am kinda hungry....
that's all...bye!!
EDIT at 5:19 pm
went to eat at alamanda red cafe at 4.:30 pm...this time i saw zul lol. not chem's zul, but biochem's zul XDD haha!! i thought that person look like him..it turns out, it is him..haha..i didnt wear my glasses mah..he surprised me actually XD suddenly go to my table XDD like the othrs, he also shocked to c me at unimas....i am just having fun maa...want to dwld..hehe...lnext time cant go to unimas anymore...isnt it nice if i can work at unimas..aii...
anyways..tht's all...
July 13, 2009
July 12, 2009
Random talk session 82: New layout =D
i change my layout XDDD how is it???? i think it's nice XDD actually there are others pretty layouts too..argh!! i think i am gonna change it again later XDD ehhehe...
aii..so wht to write...emm...i am at cais rite now...nothing to do..cant dl bcoz my pendrive already full....
to my fren...hope u balik soon...hehe..i want to watch heroes la..hehe...
emm...wht else...my back hurts DX
today woke up at 10am..i had a bad dream..not really bad...but i dreamt i was very very mad...i wonder y...and then i went to cais...had to walk..so far...spend for a bout 5 hours at cais...at about 4:3o pm i went to alamanda red cafe to eat...the same menu...nasi ayam madu and milo ice...and then unexpectedly i saw ann and foziah XDD they thought i still hav paper to repeat...haha..and then aftr finish eating, i went to cais again..and here am i..nothing to do..
i dwld-ed 45 parts of transformer 2...for my brother la! i dun want to buy the cd..no money maa..i hope it wont get deleted..i put in one of the cais comp...the movie has 78 parts..so many to dwld...DX
anyhow...i guess that's it...bye!
aii..so wht to write...emm...i am at cais rite now...nothing to do..cant dl bcoz my pendrive already full....
to my fren...hope u balik soon...hehe..i want to watch heroes la..hehe...
emm...wht else...my back hurts DX
today woke up at 10am..i had a bad dream..not really bad...but i dreamt i was very very mad...i wonder y...and then i went to cais...had to walk..so far...spend for a bout 5 hours at cais...at about 4:3o pm i went to alamanda red cafe to eat...the same menu...nasi ayam madu and milo ice...and then unexpectedly i saw ann and foziah XDD they thought i still hav paper to repeat...haha..and then aftr finish eating, i went to cais again..and here am i..nothing to do..
i dwld-ed 45 parts of transformer 2...for my brother la! i dun want to buy the cd..no money maa..i hope it wont get deleted..i put in one of the cais comp...the movie has 78 parts..so many to dwld...DX
anyhow...i guess that's it...bye!
July 10, 2009
Random talk session 81: download frenzy
today is 10 july 2009..it's friday...i am, unexpectedly at unimas again XDDDD
it has been 3 days actually....now at cais..and i finally found a great site for me to dwld many series..i am so overwhelmed!!! so many things i want to dwld but i didnt bring my pc!!! menyesalnya!!!! eeee!!!!
one of my waiting to be dwld list is house MD XDD i love house's sarcasm. hahaha XDD
and also heroes...for some reason, it also starts wit the letter H XDD
i already dwld-ed a few eps of season 3..hehe....so many things i planned to dwld...my work aftr graduation, it's def wacthing these series XDD hahaha but i still hope i can find work ne..
i guess tht's it..dunno wht else to write...
it has been 3 days actually....now at cais..and i finally found a great site for me to dwld many series..i am so overwhelmed!!! so many things i want to dwld but i didnt bring my pc!!! menyesalnya!!!! eeee!!!!
one of my waiting to be dwld list is house MD XDD i love house's sarcasm. hahaha XDD

i guess tht's it..dunno wht else to write...