today is wed. 26 august 2009. i had a dream. it was kinda nitemare..but not so...for some reason i hav powers and fighting demons...the part that made it is not so nitemare is bcoz there r 2 person who protected me lol the problem is i dn remember who!! ahahaha!! dreams are so vague ne...i cant remember much...hehe..
anyways...the day before yesterday i check some random icon post and found ishida half naked icon.

i thought it was fanart but it is actually official art!! i ask for the original picture from the icon maker. and omg what a shock! it's not "OMG ISHIDA!!" but more like "OMG KUBO TITE!!! WTH ARE YOU THINKING???????!!!!!!!!!"
seriously, i cant believe kubo tite draw ishida like tht lol he must love the fangirls so very much. say yes to fanservice ne..haha... renji and ichigo dun even get so much
exposure lol even chado is ok..but ishida *_*.
enough of that..yesterday i done some manga coloring lol. ehh...i didnt put the picture in my pendrive...ah..i'll edit this entry later..hehe...

this is it..kenji coloring by me...he look like he's sick or sumthing wit that skin color lol