....hello, again? 2nd post of the day...xD ok, brings out the picture.. haha..

this is from the rave manga... now, am i the only one saw the subtle suggestive hints in this image????? the5 4 girls in the balloon is musica's love interest XD and for some reason, haru is in the bubbles too.. though his bubble was cross-out for some reason hahaha.. ..seriously, these mangaka.. they really like to tease. male and female, they are all the same. the mangaka of rave is a male btw, haha..
ok, since i am in musica love interest topic.. for some reason, i kinda like reina wit musica XD they are kinda cute.. (i rarely supports het u know!!) and i kinda dislike nagisa coz musica seems to like her.. i dun want him to forget about reina.. haha..
emm... what else i want to write here... ah, i know.. rave actually meet a (demon) town where they publish manga lol they find a manga similar wit a story to their quests.. it is so funny.. the characters is totally different from the real ones LOL haru is an old man!! haha..

seriously, anime/manga that have a parody of their own show is likely to be an awesome show (ex: gintama and yakitate japan)
- gintama to kintama LOL
- yakitate japan becomes takitate japan LOLOL
... what else to write????? ........ i love haru XD haha.. ok, bring out the next picture!
LOL at haru's face XDD ok, that is for this post... i'll think of a new post for later.. haha...
EDIT: Gah i feel so sleepy.. seems like i cant make another post today... ah, there goes my wish in making a total post of 87 for this year... (on 2006 i had 47 posts, 2009 was 67.)..thats y i wanted to make 87 posts this year,,, but looks like almost impossible.. tomorrow is the last day of the year and i only have 76 post... and my bb expired today too...

this is from the rave manga... now, am i the only one saw the subtle suggestive hints in this image????? the
ok, since i am in musica love interest topic.. for some reason, i kinda like reina wit musica XD they are kinda cute.. (i rarely supports het u know!!) and i kinda dislike nagisa coz musica seems to like her.. i dun want him to forget about reina.. haha..
emm... what else i want to write here... ah, i know.. rave actually meet a (demon) town where they publish manga lol they find a manga similar wit a story to their quests.. it is so funny.. the characters is totally different from the real ones LOL haru is an old man!! haha..

seriously, anime/manga that have a parody of their own show is likely to be an awesome show (ex: gintama and yakitate japan)
- gintama to kintama LOL
- yakitate japan becomes takitate japan LOLOL
... what else to write????? ........ i love haru XD haha.. ok, bring out the next picture!
EDIT: Gah i feel so sleepy.. seems like i cant make another post today... ah, there goes my wish in making a total post of 87 for this year... (on 2006 i had 47 posts, 2009 was 67.)..thats y i wanted to make 87 posts this year,,, but looks like almost impossible.. tomorrow is the last day of the year and i only have 76 post... and my bb expired today too...