ello diary.. it's 8 jan.. today is sunday, and it's finally a proper day off for me.. been laying on the bed since morning LOL (it's nite already now)
yesterday, i sign the contract as a permanent staff in kirana. Havent tell anybody.. i am really thrill, that i finally, seriously has a real job. wow. i seriously never thought i will be working. me, the stupid, and good for nothing me.. wow. thank u God..
i am really happy, but also at the same time, very sad. i am living very far from home, and also from my friends. my original plans was to get a job at Kuch after my contract was over. i thought that i'll get job easier now that i hav some experience... emm.. it's so sad T_T i miss my friends in kuch.. and i am kinda lonely here in bintulu.. *sigh*
ok, enough rants about my life... next.. actually this is what i really want to write XD I HAVE A NEW OBSESSION!!!!! XDDD In my last post, about the meme, i wrote that i dun hav any new fandom in 2011, but looks like, i got one for 2012 now, and a really early one! (it's only january! LOL)
Well, so, what is that new obsession?? jeng jeng jeng, it's KEVJUMBA XDDDDDDDD from youtube XD lately, i think about him a lot and i think he's very very very very very cute when i watch his video XDDDDDDD So, ok, actually it's a very long and interesting
story XD
(Wow, this is seriously gonna be long....)
Let's start wit the usual, how, when and why did this obsession start?? What's the spark?? Here's what happened (LOL, this is a spoof of monk btw XD). So, i was on the internet and was boring.. dunno what to see.. so i went to my youtube page, and decided to check on nigahiga's videos. Ok, now, this guy, i also love him, but not as much that i made him as my obsession. Discover him, about, a year ago i think? I admit, this guy is very funny. i laugh like crazy to his videos. And this guy is an youtube celebrity actually. He has 4 millions subscriber, and now closing to 5 millions (i think he has 3 millions sumthing subscriber when i subscribed to him last year). He is seriously made of crack. Just yesterday i was watching his off the pills video, i cant see the screen properly coz i was laughing so hard that i closed my eyes, and not to mention the tears in my eyes LOL Anyway, and then i continue to watch his other videos that i havent watched... and then this one video, called, "that akward moment when...".

and this guy.. on the left.. for sec there, i thought: wow, he's taller than ryan (i think ryan is tall, and to see someone who actually dwarf him, is really a sight for me XD)
and then i see this... and i was like: omg, this guy wit the beanie is super hot *_* Who is this guy??? And this guy also make videos like ryan.. (in this scene, he was caught watching his own video lol)

And then this dhfkjsdhfjsdhfjsd WHO IS THIS GUY????????????????? YOU HAVE A FREAKIN NICE BODY YUM YUM WHO ARE YOU?????

And then, i (as usual) watched the video again, and realized it's the same person from the beginning.. Since he also had a youtube channel, and i realize i need to c more of him LOL so i read ryan's description and try to find this guy's channel.. i went to all the channels, and thought, "ehh?? i dun see this guy anywhere.. which one it is???" And then i remember this scene:

on the right... i thought: "wait.. this is... the kevjumba guy channel.. ?? eh?? what? but he doesnt looks like that hot guy wit the beanie... what??" i was seriously confused. Then i also read some of the comments, and confirmed that this guy is kevjumba. So then i check out this "kevjumba"'s video, and discover sumthing.. that i watched one of his video before.. long time ago. and i did thought he was funny, and then just forgot about him. And yeah, it is affirmative, that the hot guy wit the beanie is really kevjumba. i watched more of his videos, and story made short, i serious has fallen for this guy. He is hot, but also damn adorable. and cute. and adorable. and cute. i wanna squish him XDDDDD Seriously, now i think of this guy all the time XDDD Not to mention, he's not only hot and cute, but also very funny XD (But, ryan still funnier to me though XD WHen i watch kevin's videos, i keep on saying "cute" while laughing XD)
and then, i watched some of ryan's old videos, and OMG i've seen Kevin too, and again, dun really take notice of him (guess i only pay attention to ryan and dun care of the others? LOL)

........ So that's it? my story of kevjumba? LOL.... yeah, i think that's it.. totally fallen for this guy so much right now XD He's so hot.. and can be so cute... and hot and cute... and cute.. and hot.. and jkdfjkdshfkjsd SO FREAKIN CUTE ESPECIALLY WHEN HE SMILE. JUST LOOK AT THIS DAMN PIC BELOW. GAWD *_______________* HE LOOKS SO DAMN HAPPY. MY OVARIES *___________*

(pic credit to the jumbahiga's tumblr)
and.. just.. just jkfhgkjshfkjd especially when he has long hair! now his hair is short again though T_T
a screenshot from his latest video

he looks like how he looks like in his old videos, when he was so young XD

oh, and pS: i totally love his mole XD
ah, i think that it for today XD it's been really long since i made a long post XD Guess, it's true that i only write so many when i'm 'in love' XD