and also the rsult for natural prodct's final exam is also out ne....thank goodness i pass! gah!! thank God indeed ne!!!
hhmm...i am going home on tuesday...huu!! and also i am gonna announce it here too, news album is leaked ne!!! yey!!! i am so happy~~~ i am curretly downloding it at CAIS. but the freakin server is too slow!!!! gah!!! why so slow!!! DX i hav to finish dwnloading ths!! i am going home ths tues maa...!! ggrrr!!!
ok, enough abt is the entry tht i wrote on 27 oct..
So, I’ve finished reading a few of the fanreport on news first con a sendai. Gahhhh!! Iike usual, I feel so very envious…I wish I can go to…why I am unable to meet with my happiness…anyways…it seems there are many new costumes >_______<. I am so excited to see thm. XD…oh! And takki make an appearance too!!! Hee!!! I dunno much of the guy but he is one of the 1st JE guy I knw of…hehe…I hope thy invited someone frm kattun as guests like arashi in news last year pacific tour…hehe…
So, a lot said tht the ‘party’ is more of a host club XD. news as host club is so me approved XD.
ok, tht's it!! X
and now it's the random pic corner:
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