yesteday, thursday..nothing specific happened....went to class polymer at 9am untl 10am...thn go to lab com but has class! so i went to the cais intead...
my fren also went to cais...
it was so cold in the cais!!! and then, at 2pm we go to eat..go to sakura cafe, the water tower...i ordered kueh tiau tomato..yum.oishi ne...
and then at 3pm we went to the cais fren wemt back at 5pm...i stayed until 9.30pm..
ah, my back alwys hurts whn i go to cais...thy should change the kerusi!! not suitable!!
anyway....yesterday i didnt dwld anything much...nothing significant i can remember XD. ,,oh, i remember, i dwld a short clip of masi oka (hiro in heroes) at scrub. LOL it's so cute XDDD
ah, i also join a Kattun community..ahaha...well, it was just becoz i want to dwld their songs XDD
mroe story at cais...there was this 1st i thought he was an exchange student bcoz he speaks in eng, alwsy ask questions. sit at the most front, and his looks....but, now i think he is a 2nd year student...i think he;s kinda cute XDD but he shave his head! he's bald. i was so shocked the 1st time i saww it!! but for some reason he;s still cute XD. i alws seen him at cais. becoz we were alwsy on the same row XDD. and i think i dreamt abt him last night XDD ahahaha!! but i cant remember wht ne..
anyways...thn i went to cais and buy some burger....and then at room i wacthed some vids..
wacthed houshi wo mezashite HQ pv..ah, i love the pv XDDD gah. i want news update...why no's feb already..aii...
ok, tht's all for today...ah, tomoro is v day...happy v day to everyone...
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