wow i just realized, only 3 post for, i am gonna hav a second post today....
tegomasu is gonna hav a concert tour!!! i was shocked whn i heard the news. mean, thy r only a subunit, but they r gonna hav their own con tour....amazing rite? XD. anyway...i am so happy for them..ganbatte tegomasu!!! is abt ryo's drama, with takki. it's a fantasy story! so i am really excited for it XD. before tis, ryo is alwys in a "slice of life" drama..and i dun really like tht kinda story. last fren for exmple....ryo as an abusive is an interesting character, but domestic violence story is not my interest. and then, ryo is also co-star in another drama titled, ryusei no kizuna... tis one is kinda interesting, bcoz it's a mix of a mystery and comedy....but....i dun think i'm gonna wacth tis...i dunno...who knows.....
next is abt yamapi's new drama...unlike ryo, yamapi is a must watch for mw evntho his drama is kinda boring *cough*codeblue*cough*XD tis time he star in a drama call buzzer's a love drama...gah. i hate tis drama genre too....but it's*sigh*
i think tht's abt it...wel, tis update was the same wit my multiply basically, i am repeating it again here....wht the...
ok..tht's all..mayb i'll edit tis later if i remember to...
May 30, 2009
Random talk session 78: life at home
today is saturday..30/6/, like usual, i did nothing...just watching tv and surfing the internet...while, my family was cleaning the house. the usual very lazy me. tsk3....*shake head*
tomoro is's almost gawai eve!!! and at 12am i hav to drink ai pengayu..i hate tht bitter...tis year i think i'll drink it a little bit...last year i was force to drink it..haha...
anyway...eventho it's gawai but i usualy i just lock myelf inside the house wathing tv...and eat the food XD. wht i like abt gawai is there is a lot of food XDD i am gonna eat eat eat until i drop XDD hehehe...
ok..wht else...really nothing much to update..nothing..tht's al abt real life...XD
bye bi~
May 05, 2009
Random talk session 77: Argh. I HATE FUJI
gah. i dunno. i hate FUJi. what fuji. it's fuji from prince of tennis. wht was herhis full name i dun remember..gah...
EDITed ON 7 may2009:
anyway...emm...i hav no idea...
from koi no ABO perf dvd...
the stage so pretty and colorful...please let there be a dvd for the winter party diamond...
emm....ah!! reborn 130..the guest for haru2 interview is adult rambo XDD been a while ne!! i mean, the last time he appear...i think ep 70 sumthing?? i miss him XDD hehe..
emm..the server is very good at unimas and i have been dwld-ing like crazy XDD i seriously dnno wht else to dwld...currently i am dwld-ing gargoyles, supernatural, gintama and misc JE going back tis sunday..i need to hurry up and finish dwld-ing the remaning ep..
gintoki n hijigata XDD hehe...bcoz i love these 2 guys XD
EDITed ON 7 may2009:
anyway...emm...i hav no idea...
from koi no ABO perf dvd...
emm....ah!! reborn 130..the guest for haru2 interview is adult rambo XDD been a while ne!! i mean, the last time he appear...i think ep 70 sumthing?? i miss him XDD hehe..
gintoki n hijigata XDD hehe...bcoz i love these 2 guys XD

quick post,
real life
May 02, 2009
Random talk session 76: mostly seiyuu talk
today is saturday..2 may...yesterday was hari pekerja and it was koyama bday. happy belated bday koyamama!!! eventho u didnt really attract me at 1st, but ur kind heart surely did. gah. u r so kind i think u r my secret fav member XDD please continue to be kind. and take care of NEWS.
emm..ok..yesterady wasnt able to go OL bcoz cais was closed....emm...i alerady take my pc on rain..but thankfully didnt too lebat..LOL i dunno wht lebat in english XD hahah!!!
ah!! i finish wacthing gintama that my OL fren burn for me XD. kyyaahh!! i love gintama!! such a random anime!! totally hillarious!! and i love gintoki XDD and the evil takasugi intirique me for some reason XD must be his voice XDD
emm...was looking at tis pic
LOL okiayu looks...cute XDD i dunno...he looks great in red XDD hahaha!!! i love okiayu-san. now i am kinda afraid that mayb i hav an old-man complex. hahaha!!!!!!! NO WAY LA!!! hahaha!!! i only love the seiyuu la!!! hahah!!! the middle one is hirano aya. i think. she came to malaysia on feb tis year. but only for vacation. i dun really care actually..haha...i hope one of my fav seiyuu come to malaysia >_______<. the 3rd guy...the one at the's houshi souichiro...LOL i notice he always hav that skull jeans. i think he really like that kinda pants ne..hahah!!
ok..that's all!! jaa!!
emm..ok..yesterady wasnt able to go OL bcoz cais was closed....emm...i alerady take my pc on rain..but thankfully didnt too lebat..LOL i dunno wht lebat in english XD hahah!!!
ah!! i finish wacthing gintama that my OL fren burn for me XD. kyyaahh!! i love gintama!! such a random anime!! totally hillarious!! and i love gintoki XDD and the evil takasugi intirique me for some reason XD must be his voice XDD
emm...was looking at tis pic

ok..that's all!! jaa!!