gah. i dunno. i hate FUJi. what fuji. it's fuji from prince of tennis. wht was
herhis full name i dun remember..gah...
EDITed ON 7 may2009: anyway...emm...i hav no idea...
from koi no ABO perf dvd...

the stage so pretty and colorful...please let there be a dvd for the winter party diamond...
emm....ah!! reborn 130..the guest for haru2 interview is adult rambo XDD been a while ne!! i mean, the last time he appear...i think ep 70 sumthing?? i miss him XDD hehe..

emm..the server is very good at unimas and i have been dwld-ing like crazy XDD i seriously dnno wht else to dwld...currently i am dwld-ing gargoyles, supernatural, gintama and misc JE going back tis sunday..i need to hurry up and finish dwld-ing the remaning ep..
gintoki n hijigata XDD hehe...bcoz i love these 2 guys XD

Sy kat lab com ni malini...jom la pergi lab com, update blog.
Knapa km x update lg blog km ni???
hi UniversalBidayuh.
mcm mana nk update...tempoh broadband seminggu jer..kna topup rm20...hbs nnt duit klau sy topup rm20 stiap minggu..ehehe...kamu best la...server kat unimas makin laju ni...nnt sy nk pg unimas awal la..selalunya bla surat konvo dtg??
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