tomoro has to go to work, i feel so lazy la! emm.. anyways, the reason for this post.
i am in archuleta mood again XD i think he's so innocent and cute XD
but he's not very popular compare to Justin Bieber. it breaks my heart. *starts singing 'sumthing bout love'* i have nothing against bieber, i actually like his baby song.. emm...
This is 16 years old bieber (2010)
i think it's either the eyes or the.. smile XD arghhh he's so cute it hurts! XD

biever wins the popularity. but to me, archuleta totally wins the cute XD

biever wins the popularity. but to me, archuleta totally wins the cute XD
... btw. sumthing bout love is so catchy song!! i am so addicted to that song now.. *goes listen to it*
there's some interesting story about how i get into archuleta mood again. em, let me start wit how i knew of him a year ago. emm... come to think of it.. i dun really remember lol lemme think ya...
.......... i dun remember 0_o emm... i think it all started with the English version of 'ai nante' and then my friend asked me if it's someone name Daughtry sang it. and then i kinda curious of who is this guy and 1 thing leads to another, i think i came about david archuleta.. and then, i checked his american idols clips and i actually remember seeing it on tv. the kid wit the vocal paralysis XD and then, i downloaded a few other of his perf in american idols. i love the kid. just wanna squish him XD there was this time, where i was dining with my friend at Pohon Mas (RHB), and heard of this one song... and i recognized archuleta's voice XD ok, fast forward to time.. i was sitting at the office, and my friend was boring, so she listens to the radio from her hp. and then, there was this song, i found very catchy, and the singer sounds very, very familiar. i thought it sounded like david archuleta? . i havent listen to his song for like a year, so i was kinda in doubt. so i google the song, and dang! i was right. it was really david archuleta XDD deja vu much? XD and then after that, i begin to wacth and download his old videos again.. and 1 thing for sure. he's still so cute XDDDD i wanna keep him haha..
ok, i think that's all of my archuleta story.. bye2. until next time.
the story about my encounter wit david, i think it is a false memory lol. read here for the maybe more accurate story, i still cant really remember, so i cant confirm..
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