hello diary...today is 22/10/10. it's friday..
now at marybrown.. dun want to go back home yet..
now at marybrown.. dun want to go back home yet..
still havent finish the claim.. i am seriously so slow, it makes me mad... aii... well, tomoro i'll go to the office again and try to finish it..
em, sumthing happened today. seeems like my fren found this blog. omg i should have known this would happened after he found my wordpress... eventho i said i want to delete this blog, but that's just not possible. this thing is basically is me. in reality, i dun really show my emotion. u can say, i am tezuka-ish lol poker face XD i dun really show how i feel to the world, well, except when i'm sad. sadness. that's one feelings i totally cant hide.. few ocassion has been the proof of that.. anyway (ah, i think i havent use this word for quite some times haha) what was i saying, oh yeah. i dun show my emotion , but i write about it. this blog records my happiness, my sadness, my anger which i almost never show in public. if i delete it, it's like i'm deleting my own life... oh, i think i know a solution.. emmm... so, i guess now my fren know my most embarrassing secret, which is my crush. eventho i dun really say it directly, but i think he figure it out. actually i dun really mind if he reads this blog, but what's really make me so embarrass i bcoz i wrote to0 much about that crush of mine... it's only a crush ok. this feeling totally not gonna last. heh, it's funny that i dun like changes (wear the same things, buy the same things, eat the same things, etc) but when it comes to feeling of crush/like/love, it never last.. that's y i cant get married. i'll totally have scandal haha..
what can i say, i already kn0w the risk of making my blog public. if i wanted privacy, of coz i'll use LJ or MP.. em, what else.. oh, i think i should talk about what i wanted to talk bout yesterday. about my hair.
my hair is so short right now. it's really saddens me. u see, i have this pact i that i make about 2 or 3 years ago, when my obsession wit NEWS was at it peaks. my hair was already long, and i made this weird promise that i wont cut my hair until i go to Japan and meet NEWS. But i think after i join GEMS, i kinda neglected NEWS, and when my GEMS friends told me to cut my hair, i just compliance wit it. i guess, my dreams of going to japan is not that important to me now.. this is kinda sad... the old me would be so disappointed.. emm.. i think that's all..
until next time.. bye..
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