hello diary.. today is 25/9/2011, Sunday..
ok.. so, finally went to the kite festival.. it was so cool, especially the group perf.. here are some pictures:
i love how the puffer fish is like all "OoO" LOLOLOL
ok.. so, finally went to the kite festival.. it was so cool, especially the group perf.. here are some pictures:
i love how the puffer fish is like all "OoO" LOLOLOL
more fishes lol

ah, and dang i missed akim's af performance!! arghhhhh!! there goes my chance of seeing that cute face of him LOL thankfully i am not really his fan or anything.. but still, gahhh!!! kuyashiiii sssuu~!!
emm.. ok, next, like i said yesterday, wanna talk about tv series... Supernatural new season (season 7) has started.. and i just watched ep 1 not too long ago... my comment??? emmm.. (OK, SPOILER ALERT) Actually i was really sad that Castiel became the bad guy.. but looks like he came to his senses at the end of the ep, until that thing called Leviathan or sumthing just had to control his body.. Misha playing the bad guy T_T i miss the cute, innocent Castiel T_T. And then seems like Lucifer is back??? Where has Sam gone too???? And LOL at dean watching hentai LOL
ok, that's it i think lol Hopefully season 7 not gonna be too disappointing..
Merlin is premiering on 1st of October, while Dexter is on 3rd October. Cant wait to watch these shows ^o^.
em, wat else? seems like i hav no idea again lol
so, that's it for today yeah.. bye..
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