
February 25, 2012

Random talk session 213

hello diary! today is 25th of feb.. it's saturday.. so, the last 4 days i was actually at my hometown.. And tomoro back to work again.. it feels so nice to hav day offs, and now that i hav to go to work again, i feel so lazy! lol

anyway.. what i want to say here? emm... actually i dun hav anything, so, i m just gonna talk about ryan n kevin.. Ryan has a new video up.. it's call forever alone. As usual, cracks me up so hard!

Here's my other comments:
- The hand thing that he do, reminds me so much of castiel XD i miss castiel! :(
- Ryan's plays on words, love it as always XD "forever a loan" to a whole unrelated "forever, by drake" LOL
- The part when he was 'talking' to someone, which turns out was his mac computer, at some point, he winks jdhjshfjs XDDD GAWD UR HOT gOt to do a GIF of that XD
- Screencap of my fav scene in the whole vid XD He looks so cute XD

Done on ryan LOL Actually Kevin had new videos up too.. One is called "My dad taught me..." and the other is "What not to say to girls" The former is good, just not that hillarious, BUT he had a new haircut though XD WHile the later, sorry Kevin, i was a little disappointed.. Kevin's not really funny these days.. Well, ryan had his days too actually LOL i remembered back in 2010, i didnt actually check his new videos coz i find they were kinda boring *stabbed* That's old news though! SO, i hope Kevin will find his tracks back too.. LOL wth am i talking about.. anwyay, here's a screencap of KEvin's new haircut ^^

marry me.. someday..

that's all ya. bye~