hello diary.. today is 4 august! wow, it's august already..
anyway.. again, want to talk about 1D haha
Ever since i watch THIS dtrix's video, i keep thinking of weird stuffs.. Like Ryan or Chester parodying One Direction's songs... And then, just now, i found out that Liam's gf, Danielle was one of the dancers for LMFAO.. And then, more weird thoughts.. Victor somehow met Danielle, and she tells Liam about Victor, and Liam would be like, oh, Youtube celebrities?.. and.. Liam would be like, youtube-ing Ryan Higa.. and found him hilarious, and tell about him to the other lads..and Louis would be like, i m funnier LOL and somehow One Direction appears in Ryan's video? LOL .. wow.. imagine that..
i dunno ok, it's midnight, and i am supposed to be sleeping but i m not.
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