hello diary.. today is 18th june..
anime talk!! yup, i m watching anime again haha.. affter i was obsessed wit fairy tail a while ago, i start to watch few more anime.
1. Persona 4
- Just like fairy tail, i watched this loooong time ago (about same time as i first watched fairy tail), but then never continue it lol anyway yeah, i was kinda desperate of watching new anime, so i watch it.. the first few eps, are really boring tbh.. but, i guess the humor is quite good haha.. there are some scene that got me giggle and stuff haha..anyway.. then, it was only towards the end, the story gets better.. *SPOILER* tho, when nanako suddenly get back to live? like what???? how???? when she died, i was like, omg, i didnt expect that at all!! and i thought it was really brave and something that they suddenly killed a loveable character like that.. but when she's alive again, ??? oh, also, there was a scene when i actually cry ughhh another comment, the anime is kinda slashable haha.. narukami and hanamura, both of them suddenly start calling each other by first name omg how cute bjjhbbh XDD i guess i kinda ship them hahaha the anime is not bad i guess, if i was to rate it, i give it (7/10).
2. Ao no exorcist
- at the time i m writing this, i still havent finish watching it haha i m so lazy.. the anime is, also kinda mediocre to me.. nothing much for me to say, i dun even hav a fav character here. 6/10. I give it above average coz of the amazing casts haha
3. devil survivor 2.
- the story is good, but not good enough for me to obsessed over.. i m still at ep 4.. Nothing much to say..
4. Yondemasu yo azazzel san z.
- the sequel. haha. stupid anime. and i love it haha. the only on going anime i m watching currently..
oh, yeah. i also hav to say it here, i hear so many namidai !! haha.. he was in fairy tail, persona 4 and yondemasu azzazel san haha
that;s all!!!
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