hello diary! today is 30/12/2017
quite a long time huh.. well, i was quite busy with my tumblr lol.. the same thing that happen in 2015... when i was busy posting my seiyuu posts on tumblr, i didnt write much here in blogspot..
anyway... ermm.. i seriously dunno what to write.. oh, maybe i'll talk about ryuto a bit.. since it was his birthday 2 days ago.. ryuto is 25~ aww... this crazy muscle man is 25.. congrats ryuto... i love him so much now.. even more than alan maybe? that is why i will never say my bias, coz it will definitely change lol.. but i m not saying ryuto is my bias now of course.. i dont hav ultimate bias anyway.. i can say, these 2 are my top 2 though.. at the beginning, i admit, i am more into alan, but now, i feel like the feels is more towards ryuto lol shhhhssshh dont let the tumblr people know of this! lol
anyway.. yeah, ryuto.. i guess, bcoz of his family history, i admit i kinda hav soft spot for him lol... i dunno why i tend to be savage to people i like now lol.. must be influence from the internet.. but not (much) to ryuto lol... he can be so crazy at times, and i only can facepalm at his antics lol
ermm.. what else? lol..
ermm... oh yeah.. gene dome tour!! ahhh.. i m happy for them, but i wish for a world tour more!! i want to see them more closer!! i will go to the dome tour too as well, but i just want to see them more closer, and dome is too far!! ahhh.. i m still hoping though.. even if it's only 4 or 5 shows, please make it happen hiro-san!!! i love gene so much!!! i havent felt this way, since news.. aiiihh..
ok that is all for today? this is gonna be the last entry of this year!! good bye 2017 hello 2018~ please be good to me!!
this is one of the first gene pics i saw:
and my impression, i still vividly remembers that "dislike" feeling i had lol.. i was like, "what a bunch of bratty kids" lol and i was like "*shaking my head* NO". and look at me now. like, how did this happened????
but still, when i first heard of their world tour, i was like, seriously, thinking about to go to their live, just to check thm out! like, for real, i really did think of buying the tickets! but after a while, my "dislike" kinda took over (coz i was more into sandaime at that time) lol and i was like, "not worth my money" lol...
ok..bye for real now!! bye2 2017!!
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