September 30, 2008
Random talk session 32
September 24, 2008
Random talk session 31
my random pic corner...
ths's hyoutei....i luv ths team...hehe...i has ths pic in my FS highlites....atobe-sama purple's suit. hahahaha!!!! ths guy alwys amused me to no end!! becoz his hair is kinda purple, so...he's like all purple...and he looks so freakin amazing damn it!! kkyyaaa!!!! atobe-sama!!!
2nd higlite....the silver pair luv XDDDD staring at each other like there's nothing else matter XDDD *squishes ohtori* XD
3rd highlite...jiro loooks soooo cute!!!! like seriously...!!! i had alwys like jiro since the 1st time i saw him XD
and also...for the closing....oshitari..of God ths guy...looks as good as ever...he is the only one tht able to steal atobe's limelite once in awhile XD
not forgetting...kabaji....gakuto and hiyoshi<----he looks kinda uncomfortable...XD
September 23, 2008
Random talk session 30
it;s feels kinda funny whn i sekodeng guys's not tht i dun like too, it's just i dun care...hehe...i prefer bishonen anyways XDD
like this guy here..
XDDD kyaaa!!!! byakuya-sama!!!!
i freakin luv ths guy. i wonder y. hahaha. the seiyuu? no way. mayb? XDD no. really. it is really a no way. only suwabe for tht matter. XDD only suwabe can make me love an charac tht usually people dun like XDD
becoz i still think i cant like jinnai even tho he is voice by okiayu XDD hahaha.
hhmmm...need to stop rambling..
Random talk session 29
i cant sleep well thinking of my cpu..
on my way to lab com today, the floor smell nice...
and thn i thought: atobe would smell nice too ne..
of all people...hahaha...
hhmm..these few days i hav a lot of hyoutei dream...even last nite...i wonder y...even whn i fisrt knew of news, i dun really dreamt of thm very often ne...
hhmm....this thursday i am going home...
yay...i love to be spoil at home XDD
and also...can watch tv...hohoho...i hope there's good show on whn i'm at home...
no idea no more...wht abt my random pic...hhmm..wht abt this..

the pic i use whn i post my request post...hehe...i hope i can DL the vid later ne...i so want to see hiroki's love message skit...he is sooo cute...XD
September 19, 2008
Random talk session 28: i luv this guy XD

he is so XDDD
awwww~~~ he is growing very much in my hearts...XD
i love tht his hair is kinda blue...and the fact tht he wear megane just makes me luv him more XD.
*muah* aishiteru yo !
September 16, 2008
Random talk session 27
if only i can find and dwld those neoromance vid, thn i can fangirl u too XD
btw i love his skit in the love msg corner XD... idea pula...
abt my MP layout...i change it to the host club header again XD. no reason, saje-saje..hehe...while, for ths blogi use grimmjow x byakuya header XD..has been long time since i seen these guys XD..miss my byakuya...byakuya was my fav charac, but whn grimmjow come along, once again i cant decide..XD...tezuka and atobe & byakuya and atobe...hahaha..i am weird...
hhmm...friday got exm...i hope i can pass...maybe it's kinda good tht my cpu broke...thn i can concentrate in studying..ths is one tough subject and i HATE it!!! ggrrrr!!!
Random talk session 26
it's 4:15am rite now....why i still havent go to sleep?? becoz i want to finish the freakin natrl product asg...grrrrr!!! i am so tension doing;s kinda finish...
actually it's not very finish...i gave up..gah i hate natural product!! DX
whatever la...
anyways..thanks to my housemate for lending me your laptop...and i am even able to online becoz got wireless..hehe..
i am able to online..i was bore so i type in suwabe name on the search engine...and i kinda stumble on few of his pics..hehe....
and i died whn i c ths...

suwabe-sama!!! looking at me with those eyes XDD. i am so crazy!!! XDD
this guy is in my mind quite alots these days..listening to his songs...repeating the 100 songs marathon just to c him...he is so cute!!! like seriously. ok, only i think tht...he looooks kinda weird ne...not ugly, just weird..if we r talking abt ugly, i am ugly....aii...suwabe...i want to hear more of him...he is my "atobe"..*sigh*
oh, actually i think i seen okiayu pics tht almost look like this too...the kinda flower near the mouth pose XDD so cute!!! XDD
oh i also found this pic..

i wonder how old is he in tht pic....20 sumthing?? aww~
ok, tht's all i think...bye2 ^^
September 14, 2008
Random talk session 25
the short story has hint of fanservice XDDDDD hahaha...
shishido talked abt his tough training with ohtori aftr he lost the match( against rikkai?)..
and then, ohtori said, "why do u remembered of the training?"
and shishido said, " i wonder why" and then starts to change the topic with his kinda shy voice (awww~~~~) (i can imagine his flush face XD)
i love the silver pair now XDDD but zukabe is still my main otp XD
September 10, 2008
Random talk session 24
anyways...last time i DL the megane's talk track. omg it is soooo funny!!! hahaha!!! the most obvious thng tht i realized is tht tezuka is the most out of character in the mini track...haha..the mini-drama talk track is usually written by the meganes thmselves...thy r making tezuka being the comic-relief...very diff from the real tezuka XDD..hahaha..sumtimes i kinda megane's tezuka is so baka XDDD...oshitari was still maintaining his cool personality... kakkoi zo!! XDD

September 04, 2008
Random talk session 23: for the love of hyoutei~ XD
Suwabe Junichi as Atobe Keigo
1. I can’t choose a favorite. My love for all of Atobe’s songs is deep, and the other characters’ songs are lovely, too.
2. It’s got to be Atobe, Oshitari, Mukahi, Shishido, Akutagawa, Kabaji, Ohtori, Hiyoshi, Taki, and Sakaki together for an “Ultimate Hyoutei Unit”!
3. I’ll put my whole heart into each and every song, even if it kills my voice! So everyone can feel my happiness to be sharing this moment together, I’ll do my best to give my biggest thanks to everyone who loves tenipuri. We’ll have so much fun it’ll open up every pore in our bodies!
aww~ i luv his answer for no,2 XD. hyoutei saikou ne~ XD. well, there's already an unit name hyoutei eternity XD. i thought tht grup name is quite strong ne~ as for Q no.3...wel, not only tht he put his whole heart into the songs, but also he SO VERY in character XD. suwabe is so atobe-ish in the 100 songs marathon XD. i luv you!!!! XDDDD
Kiuchi Hidenobu as Oshitari Yuushi
1. “CRAFTY”, because I should commemorate my debut.
2. I don’t have one. I support “MEGANE’s” with all my might. (laugh)
3. An event this big, and 100 songs to go with it…! It’s all thanks to everyone cheering for us until now, so thank you! Let’s all have fun together~!!
i really hope he chose mebachiko XDDD for Q1...aww at no.2 XDDD megane's for the win!!!! but kiuchi-sama, why r u disbanding this great unit???? y??? u made me cry in the middle of the nite whn i found out tht the megane's is really disbanded T_T
Kusuda Toshiyuki as Shishido Ryou
1. I should pay respects to my first CD recording, Shishido Ryou and Ohtori Choutarou’s “Brandnew Days”. I sing it at karaoke once in awhile, but I always feel overcome by emotion at the lyrics in the second chorus ( ^ ^ ;
2. How about a group called “CAPS” or something with all of the characters who wear a hat? I wonder if that’s too plain (laugh). I also want to try singing a school credits character song. For Hyoutei, it has to be with coach Sakaki (43), of course!
3. It’s my first time on a stage this big so I’m super nervous, but I want to have fun from the bottom of my heart! My best regards to everyone! Let’s get rowdy to bring together the nation’s five parts into one!
this guy a, i luv the fact tht he kinda support fanservice XDD hahahaha. aww kusuda-sama, i think it's his 1st time participating in this kinda event...XD
no,2..haha...tht would be amusing ne...ryoma, sanada, and the othr guys can join u ne~ XD
Hoshi Soichiro as Mukahi Gakuto
1. “DA DA DA”. Because it was my first tenipuri song. I like that high-spirited song.
2. An “Acrobatic Showdown Unit” with Kikumaru… or something?
3. I’ll give it my all! Everyone, please sing together!
so short...hahaha..oh, hoshi-sama XD. but i luv his answr for no.2 XD. hahaha..i want tht unit XDDD
Tsuruoka Satoshi as Kabaji Munehiro
1. “Make You Free”. Even though there are different versions of it, it becomes a different song depending on the singer’s gender. Hisoca-san’s clean emotion. Kimeru-kun’s sprinting emotion. It’s so cool it gives me goosebumps.
2. Kosugi Juurouta-san. Coach… please… teach me how to sing…
3. Thanks for bringing yourselves all the way here. Thanks for bringing everyone all the way here. I’m not very good at speaking so I’ll bring that to the stage with me. I’ll put all of the thanks I have into all of the voice I have.
Q1..hhmmm..i nvr heard of tht song..
Q2...hahaha i totally laugh whn i read the answer XDDD
Q3...usu~ XD
Namikawa Daisuke as Ohtori Choutarou
1. “Fujouri”. Because I don’t think those are lyrics for middle-schoolers.
2. I can’t betray Shishido-san.
3. Welcome to the marathon event!! 100 songs… it sure is amazing. Let’s run this race together!
Q1...XD hahaha..agree!!
Q2...hahah!!! i just luv fanservice XD
ooo namikawa...u kno, i want u to be my baby too...u can be yuya's oni-chan XDD hahaha.
Iwasaki Masami as Hiyoshi Wakashi
1. It’s “RISE – Gekoku + joutou”, of course. Because it’s Hiyoshi Wakashi’s only single.
2. I’ll take anyone who’d be okay with going with someone like Hiyoshi.
3. I really thank you for attending today. Everyone, are you doing a gekokujou? If you’re not, you’d better hurry… Spring is the season for gekokujou.
Q1..hahaha...of course ne XD
Q3.......i really dun understand....XD
owari~ i love hyoutei!! XD