my random pic corner...
ths's hyoutei....i luv ths team...hehe...i has ths pic in my FS highlites....atobe-sama purple's suit. hahahaha!!!! ths guy alwys amused me to no end!! becoz his hair is kinda purple, so...he's like all purple...and he looks so freakin amazing damn it!! kkyyaaa!!!! atobe-sama!!!
2nd higlite....the silver pair luv XDDDD staring at each other like there's nothing else matter XDDD *squishes ohtori* XD
3rd highlite...jiro loooks soooo cute!!!! like seriously...!!! i had alwys like jiro since the 1st time i saw him XD
and also...for the closing....oshitari..of God ths guy...looks as good as ever...he is the only one tht able to steal atobe's limelite once in awhile XD
not forgetting...kabaji....gakuto and hiyoshi<----he looks kinda uncomfortable...XD
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