anyways...last time i DL the megane's talk track. omg it is soooo funny!!! hahaha!!! the most obvious thng tht i realized is tht tezuka is the most out of character in the mini track...haha..the mini-drama talk track is usually written by the meganes thmselves...thy r making tezuka being the comic-relief...very diff from the real tezuka XDD..hahaha..sumtimes i kinda megane's tezuka is so baka XDDD...oshitari was still maintaining his cool personality... kakkoi zo!! XDD
hhmm..i was watching tenipuri...and there was the part of ohtori practicing his scud serve, with the help of shishido...thy r such a cute pair...i think i am gonna like ths pair too XDDDD..and at tht part, there was their theme song: brandnew days...whn i listen to it, i start to aww-ing...thy r seriously sooo cute~~~ *pinch ohtori cheeks*

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