kinda late, but wanna wish happy new year!!!!!!!
NEWS kakkoi!! *0* i LOVE this scan XD

2010 is the year of the tiger. it's my year!! XDD since it's my year, i hope this year will be fruitful to me and hopefully, i got a job!!! i want a job so i can kumpul duit to go to news con in japan XDD i think rm5000 is enough??? wait...kinda too much...rm4000??? em, i wonder how much is the plane ticket... i got this fren who want to stay for abt 1 month in japan.i dun think i can afford it yo..sorry friend. but i want to go to japan asap..eventho if it's only 2 days, as long as i can c my beloved NEWS-tachi...
emm..ok..real life!! emm...nothing
oh, abt games...i finish phoenix wright justice for all XD hooray!! and now playing the 3rd installment, trials and tribulations..there's young Edgeworth XDD he's so grand XD
also, i already started playing Prof. Layton and the diabolical box. thankfully one of the emulator i dwld-ed work XD
what else ne....Christmas and New Year were kinda ordinary for me...
ooh!!! i watched NEWS DVD XDDD thanks to my MP friend XDDD i received it on 30th dec. my mother went to town that day to check the post...i even dream that i got the dvd. 2 diff dreams!! lol
kya!! love the dvd!! NEWS saikou!!!
yesterday i watched fly again perf again, and reading the lyric, makes me cry!!! T_____________T love this song!!!!
on 31st dec was my bday XD but nothing sp abt it...i was playing game i nite, abt 10pm, me n my parents gather at the.."ruai" and wait for 12am (new year). when it strike 12 am, we drink "ai pengayu". it's so bitter!!! DX
and in the morning...nothing sp too..nothing i can think boring..
that's all. bye2 until next time...
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