*facepalm* (again)
bcoz of this:

watch him HERE. he is doing the role of a wind (?) XDDDDDD hahahhhaa
it's suwabe...the pic is so small, but i can still recognize him XD WHY IS HIS HAIR SO PECULIARLY LONG?? o_o
......................emm........ i think i actually like the hair and that yellow shirt XD
yes, this is the 2nd time i facepalm at the sight of him, this week XDDD
the 1st time was bcoz of this.......

toriumi...looks like a real okama, so he scare me the most. hiroki also. suzumura is ok. thank goodness. yoshino cut his hair after that event???????? and the guy at the left (forgot his name DX) is just plain silly, but is a lot better than the rest haha. i bet kishio is relieve he is wearing that choujin costumes XDDD
ps: i need to dwld that vitamin z even someday!!!!!!!!
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