November 18, 2008
Random talk session 44: ggrrr!! i am so angry
November 16, 2008
Random talk session 43: holiday
and also the rsult for natural prodct's final exam is also out ne....thank goodness i pass! gah!! thank God indeed ne!!!
hhmm...i am going home on tuesday...huu!! and also i am gonna announce it here too, news album is leaked ne!!! yey!!! i am so happy~~~ i am curretly downloding it at CAIS. but the freakin server is too slow!!!! gah!!! why so slow!!! DX i hav to finish dwnloading ths!! i am going home ths tues maa...!! ggrrr!!!
ok, enough abt is the entry tht i wrote on 27 oct..
So, I’ve finished reading a few of the fanreport on news first con a sendai. Gahhhh!! Iike usual, I feel so very envious…I wish I can go to…why I am unable to meet with my happiness…anyways…it seems there are many new costumes >_______<. I am so excited to see thm. XD…oh! And takki make an appearance too!!! Hee!!! I dunno much of the guy but he is one of the 1st JE guy I knw of…hehe…I hope thy invited someone frm kattun as guests like arashi in news last year pacific tour…hehe…
So, a lot said tht the ‘party’ is more of a host club XD. news as host club is so me approved XD.
ok, tht's it!! X
and now it's the random pic corner:
November 03, 2008
Random talk session 42: aftr the exam..and ryo!
well, there are some questions i dunno how to answr...while the others, dunno if my answers were correct or not...
i just wish tht i pass ths freakin subject!!!!! DX
anyway....i am not in a good mood now...well, i alwys feel like tht aftr exam for some reason..
well, next exam is 11th nov..biomacro...still a week...but i still hav asg ne....
i hope i am rajin enough to siapkan both asg before the biomacro exam..
wel..tht is all...
oh...before date is it??? 3 november rite??? XDD it's ryo's bday!!!(it's been a long time since i call him "ryo-chan" ne...well..*sigh*...)
omedetto ryo!!! 24th years old ne!!!
i made ths GIF rite aftr's a quick happy bday gift for him ne ^^
well, ryo..i guess u r still sp ne...u r the 2nd person tht i like in my NEWS history...and the kansai-ben really got me ne!! u r like th1 st "real" person tht i hear talking in kansai-ben XD
October 31, 2008
Random talk session 41: hate post
NEWS 1st single debut week sales: 270,770
-------1st single sales: 176,000
NEWS 2nd single debut week sales: 185,651
-------2nd single debut sale: 160,000
NEWS latest (1oth) single debut week sales: 201,304
-------latest (8th) single debut week sales: 194,304
heh! NEWS is alwys better thn -------, in my heart and in my soul!!
October 28, 2008
Random talk session 40
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Atobe keigo!
- Atobe keigo can be found on a Cluedo board between the Library and the Conservatory.
- Red atobe keigo at night, shepherd's delight. Red atobe keigo at morning, shepherd's warning.
- Atobe keigo is actually a vegetable, not a fruit.
- Atobe keigo was banned from Finland because of not wearing pants.
- There is actually no danger in swimming right after you eat atobe keigo, though it may feel uncomfortable!
- Atobe keigo is black with white stripes, not white with black stripes!
- The state nickname of Iowa is 'The atobe keigo state'!
- In Vermont, the ratio of cows to atobe keigo is 10:1.
- Atobe keigo was declared extinct in 1902!
- Atobe keigo is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Tezuka kunimitsu!
- Tezuka kunimitsu will often rub up against people to lay his scent and mark his territory!
- The average duration of sexual intercourse for tezuka kunimitsu is two minutes.
- If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have tezuka kunimitsu for the rest of the day.
- It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be tezuka kunimitsu.
- In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and tezuka kunimitsu.
- Ostriches stick their heads in tezuka kunimitsu not to hide but to look for water!
- American Airlines saved forty thousand dollars a year by eliminating tezuka kunimitsu from each salad served in first class!
- Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than tezuka kunimitsu.
- A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find tezuka kunimitsu.
- Some birds use tezuka kunimitsu to orientate themselves during migration.
i can only laugh. XDDDDD
October 24, 2008
Random talk session 39: After the exam (24/10)
anyway..i think i can answered it ths time, but dunno if the answers are right or not..but there is aloso some question i dunno how to answer..
and the MOST frustated is tht i forgot tht the phenol oxidative and mannich reac is the biosynthesis for 1st i was sonfused if it was for phenolic compound..ggrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyhow i hope i'll pass ths exam!!! i am tired of failing!!!!
kami-sama! pls let me pass!!!!
October 19, 2008
Random talk session 38: atobe is the king!
the re-released album is entitle Hamatsue no Rondo Kai.
The tracks is the same with the 1st new songs...the cover is also using the same pic...XD.
the difference is maybe the only addiction of the "kai"and also the album is double the size and also there is some giant flag of him in there. gah i so want tht flag!!!! and then i would hang it on the wall...XD
the album was rank #19 in the oricon chart on the day of the release...while his single was rank #12...more rants abt the single here....gah it just more proofs his awesomeness ne....XD.
anyhow...i think thy didnt want to release a new album becoz tht would make him with the most album and it's wrong since he is from a rival school XD.
heh! atobe is the best eventho he was defeated by ryoma!!! heh i dun even think ryoma's album or songs could even compete with my atobe!!!
atobe is so much better thn ryoma!!! ggrrr!!! i am reminded of tht bad feeling again.
Random talk session 37: School Rumble talk

Random talk session 36: The seiyuu dilemma and a hate post!
the problem is they r making me more harder to choose anime now...n another word, they are making me being a lot more picky!
for example if there is no [insert my fav seiyuu name], i dun want to watch the anime...
this is not good...i dun want to be too picky...than i will ended watching less and less, i was even thinking of letting off ths fandom(seiyuu) go...
gah..!! and the 1st one i thought was, suwabe...and i actually dun want to..he has become too important...ggrr...suwabe-sama...and dun even get me started on namikawa...
anyhow..i wonder how ths will be...
but one thing for sure, i still hate bishonen charac voiced by a female seiyuu. i seriously hate it!!!!
esp this guy..yukimura from tenipuri...i even forgot his given name....but for some reason i i was able to google him.
whn i see him i totally see a girl. and if he speaks..i hate him even more.
oh, the same goes to fuji. i totally see a girl whn i see him too. as for ryoma, he is still a kid, so it's acceptable but i still dun like ryoma. heh! whteva...if i like ths girly looking guy, thn wouldnt tht make me like girls? i am so not a freakin les. ggrr!!!
gah i hav so many issue...i hate feeling like ths!!!
October 13, 2008
Random talk session 35: just a short one..

i am crazy, i kno..
Random talk session 34.5: SUWABE AMUSED ME, VERY MUCH
i died anyway.

i dunno. it's just tht i think he has no celebrity face. i am sooooo sorry. i freakin love the guy though. really. XDDD i dreamt abt him. i dreamt him SMILING at me. XD
last time i was googling namikawa, i also found suwabe's amusing pics XDD he keeps on appearing ne...hahaha..XDD
Random talk session 34: kondo wa hiroki-san?
so...ths guy..also has an interesting history..i totally fall for him aftr i knew he is making the voice of eiji..hehe...and i love his dimple XD

October 09, 2008
Random talk session 33: new obsession!
-will add the pic if i find it XD-
and he is actually rabun. XDDDD hahaha!!!!!!! i dunno why guys like to wear contact..i think men with glasses is pretty cool wht!!! XD
gahhh!!!!!!! XDDDDD namikawa u!! i cant believe u r ulquoirra...i dunno if the name spelling is rite XD
ok. i'll say it no matter how many times. it's the is really the freakin damn hair. it got nothing to do with the look (ok, i lie, mayb there is a little XD) the point is i luv the freakin hair. gah. i dun want to get marry. i just want to marry ths guy. pls let me marry him!!! pls pls pls!!
oh, i found ths..

tht's namikawa btw. *__________________*
oh seriously pls let ths guy be mine!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD
so, i am declaring my love for this 32 (2008) guy at ths blog. i did it at my LJ. i so need to do it at blogspot too. mayb i'll do one for my 2 othr blogs...if i am not lazy...
namikawa is done. next i want to google okiayu..konishi..hiroki...and also suwabe love XD
September 30, 2008
Random talk session 32
September 24, 2008
Random talk session 31
my random pic corner...
ths's hyoutei....i luv ths team...hehe...i has ths pic in my FS highlites....atobe-sama purple's suit. hahahaha!!!! ths guy alwys amused me to no end!! becoz his hair is kinda purple, so...he's like all purple...and he looks so freakin amazing damn it!! kkyyaaa!!!! atobe-sama!!!
2nd higlite....the silver pair luv XDDDD staring at each other like there's nothing else matter XDDD *squishes ohtori* XD
3rd highlite...jiro loooks soooo cute!!!! like seriously...!!! i had alwys like jiro since the 1st time i saw him XD
and also...for the closing....oshitari..of God ths guy...looks as good as ever...he is the only one tht able to steal atobe's limelite once in awhile XD
not forgetting...kabaji....gakuto and hiyoshi<----he looks kinda uncomfortable...XD
September 23, 2008
Random talk session 30
it;s feels kinda funny whn i sekodeng guys's not tht i dun like too, it's just i dun care...hehe...i prefer bishonen anyways XDD
like this guy here..
XDDD kyaaa!!!! byakuya-sama!!!!
i freakin luv ths guy. i wonder y. hahaha. the seiyuu? no way. mayb? XDD no. really. it is really a no way. only suwabe for tht matter. XDD only suwabe can make me love an charac tht usually people dun like XDD
becoz i still think i cant like jinnai even tho he is voice by okiayu XDD hahaha.
hhmmm...need to stop rambling..
Random talk session 29
i cant sleep well thinking of my cpu..
on my way to lab com today, the floor smell nice...
and thn i thought: atobe would smell nice too ne..
of all people...hahaha...
hhmm..these few days i hav a lot of hyoutei dream...even last nite...i wonder y...even whn i fisrt knew of news, i dun really dreamt of thm very often ne...
hhmm....this thursday i am going home...
yay...i love to be spoil at home XDD
and also...can watch tv...hohoho...i hope there's good show on whn i'm at home...
no idea no more...wht abt my random pic...hhmm..wht abt this..

the pic i use whn i post my request post...hehe...i hope i can DL the vid later ne...i so want to see hiroki's love message skit...he is sooo cute...XD
September 19, 2008
Random talk session 28: i luv this guy XD

he is so XDDD
awwww~~~ he is growing very much in my hearts...XD
i love tht his hair is kinda blue...and the fact tht he wear megane just makes me luv him more XD.
*muah* aishiteru yo !
September 16, 2008
Random talk session 27
if only i can find and dwld those neoromance vid, thn i can fangirl u too XD
btw i love his skit in the love msg corner XD... idea pula...
abt my MP layout...i change it to the host club header again XD. no reason, saje-saje..hehe...while, for ths blogi use grimmjow x byakuya header XD..has been long time since i seen these guys XD..miss my byakuya...byakuya was my fav charac, but whn grimmjow come along, once again i cant decide..XD...tezuka and atobe & byakuya and atobe...hahaha..i am weird...
hhmm...friday got exm...i hope i can pass...maybe it's kinda good tht my cpu broke...thn i can concentrate in studying..ths is one tough subject and i HATE it!!! ggrrrr!!!
Random talk session 26
it's 4:15am rite now....why i still havent go to sleep?? becoz i want to finish the freakin natrl product asg...grrrrr!!! i am so tension doing;s kinda finish...
actually it's not very finish...i gave up..gah i hate natural product!! DX
whatever la...
anyways..thanks to my housemate for lending me your laptop...and i am even able to online becoz got wireless..hehe..
i am able to online..i was bore so i type in suwabe name on the search engine...and i kinda stumble on few of his pics..hehe....
and i died whn i c ths...

suwabe-sama!!! looking at me with those eyes XDD. i am so crazy!!! XDD
this guy is in my mind quite alots these days..listening to his songs...repeating the 100 songs marathon just to c him...he is so cute!!! like seriously. ok, only i think tht...he looooks kinda weird ne...not ugly, just weird..if we r talking abt ugly, i am ugly....aii...suwabe...i want to hear more of him...he is my "atobe"..*sigh*
oh, actually i think i seen okiayu pics tht almost look like this too...the kinda flower near the mouth pose XDD so cute!!! XDD
oh i also found this pic..

i wonder how old is he in tht pic....20 sumthing?? aww~
ok, tht's all i think...bye2 ^^
September 14, 2008
Random talk session 25
the short story has hint of fanservice XDDDDD hahaha...
shishido talked abt his tough training with ohtori aftr he lost the match( against rikkai?)..
and then, ohtori said, "why do u remembered of the training?"
and shishido said, " i wonder why" and then starts to change the topic with his kinda shy voice (awww~~~~) (i can imagine his flush face XD)
i love the silver pair now XDDD but zukabe is still my main otp XD
September 10, 2008
Random talk session 24
anyways...last time i DL the megane's talk track. omg it is soooo funny!!! hahaha!!! the most obvious thng tht i realized is tht tezuka is the most out of character in the mini track...haha..the mini-drama talk track is usually written by the meganes thmselves...thy r making tezuka being the comic-relief...very diff from the real tezuka XDD..hahaha..sumtimes i kinda megane's tezuka is so baka XDDD...oshitari was still maintaining his cool personality... kakkoi zo!! XDD

September 04, 2008
Random talk session 23: for the love of hyoutei~ XD
Suwabe Junichi as Atobe Keigo
1. I can’t choose a favorite. My love for all of Atobe’s songs is deep, and the other characters’ songs are lovely, too.
2. It’s got to be Atobe, Oshitari, Mukahi, Shishido, Akutagawa, Kabaji, Ohtori, Hiyoshi, Taki, and Sakaki together for an “Ultimate Hyoutei Unit”!
3. I’ll put my whole heart into each and every song, even if it kills my voice! So everyone can feel my happiness to be sharing this moment together, I’ll do my best to give my biggest thanks to everyone who loves tenipuri. We’ll have so much fun it’ll open up every pore in our bodies!
aww~ i luv his answer for no,2 XD. hyoutei saikou ne~ XD. well, there's already an unit name hyoutei eternity XD. i thought tht grup name is quite strong ne~ as for Q no.3...wel, not only tht he put his whole heart into the songs, but also he SO VERY in character XD. suwabe is so atobe-ish in the 100 songs marathon XD. i luv you!!!! XDDDD
Kiuchi Hidenobu as Oshitari Yuushi
1. “CRAFTY”, because I should commemorate my debut.
2. I don’t have one. I support “MEGANE’s” with all my might. (laugh)
3. An event this big, and 100 songs to go with it…! It’s all thanks to everyone cheering for us until now, so thank you! Let’s all have fun together~!!
i really hope he chose mebachiko XDDD for Q1...aww at no.2 XDDD megane's for the win!!!! but kiuchi-sama, why r u disbanding this great unit???? y??? u made me cry in the middle of the nite whn i found out tht the megane's is really disbanded T_T
Kusuda Toshiyuki as Shishido Ryou
1. I should pay respects to my first CD recording, Shishido Ryou and Ohtori Choutarou’s “Brandnew Days”. I sing it at karaoke once in awhile, but I always feel overcome by emotion at the lyrics in the second chorus ( ^ ^ ;
2. How about a group called “CAPS” or something with all of the characters who wear a hat? I wonder if that’s too plain (laugh). I also want to try singing a school credits character song. For Hyoutei, it has to be with coach Sakaki (43), of course!
3. It’s my first time on a stage this big so I’m super nervous, but I want to have fun from the bottom of my heart! My best regards to everyone! Let’s get rowdy to bring together the nation’s five parts into one!
this guy a, i luv the fact tht he kinda support fanservice XDD hahahaha. aww kusuda-sama, i think it's his 1st time participating in this kinda event...XD
no,2..haha...tht would be amusing ne...ryoma, sanada, and the othr guys can join u ne~ XD
Hoshi Soichiro as Mukahi Gakuto
1. “DA DA DA”. Because it was my first tenipuri song. I like that high-spirited song.
2. An “Acrobatic Showdown Unit” with Kikumaru… or something?
3. I’ll give it my all! Everyone, please sing together!
so short...hahaha..oh, hoshi-sama XD. but i luv his answr for no.2 XD. hahaha..i want tht unit XDDD
Tsuruoka Satoshi as Kabaji Munehiro
1. “Make You Free”. Even though there are different versions of it, it becomes a different song depending on the singer’s gender. Hisoca-san’s clean emotion. Kimeru-kun’s sprinting emotion. It’s so cool it gives me goosebumps.
2. Kosugi Juurouta-san. Coach… please… teach me how to sing…
3. Thanks for bringing yourselves all the way here. Thanks for bringing everyone all the way here. I’m not very good at speaking so I’ll bring that to the stage with me. I’ll put all of the thanks I have into all of the voice I have.
Q1..hhmmm..i nvr heard of tht song..
Q2...hahaha i totally laugh whn i read the answer XDDD
Q3...usu~ XD
Namikawa Daisuke as Ohtori Choutarou
1. “Fujouri”. Because I don’t think those are lyrics for middle-schoolers.
2. I can’t betray Shishido-san.
3. Welcome to the marathon event!! 100 songs… it sure is amazing. Let’s run this race together!
Q1...XD hahaha..agree!!
Q2...hahah!!! i just luv fanservice XD
ooo namikawa...u kno, i want u to be my baby too...u can be yuya's oni-chan XDD hahaha.
Iwasaki Masami as Hiyoshi Wakashi
1. It’s “RISE – Gekoku + joutou”, of course. Because it’s Hiyoshi Wakashi’s only single.
2. I’ll take anyone who’d be okay with going with someone like Hiyoshi.
3. I really thank you for attending today. Everyone, are you doing a gekokujou? If you’re not, you’d better hurry… Spring is the season for gekokujou.
Q1..hahaha...of course ne XD
Q3.......i really dun understand....XD
owari~ i love hyoutei!! XD

August 09, 2008
Random talk session 22: okiayu ryoutarou!

the kira kira megane perf form the 100 songs marathon. is it my fetish to see guy tilting his head??? namikawa too. and now okiayu. he is so cute whn he do tht XD.. and furthermore, he is wearing red XDDDD i luv red cloth XD. shikamo, with glasses!!! in the 100 songs marathon i think he looks older...i luv his hair in here...kinda look like tezuka?? hahahaha.
oh. there was this one time i listen to his drama cd, where he cry. Oh God, i feel like hugging him whn i hear it..i was like: pls dun cryyy~ u r making me sad ><.. i think i actually imagine tezuka or byakuya...hahaha. anyways. i really love his voice.
oh. i say this for many times, but i am gonna repeat it anyway. OKIAYU VOICE REMINDS ME OF SWEET CREAM CARAMEL XD.
ijou! maybe i'll edit this if i hav anymore idea to add XD
EDIT!!! (10 sept 2008)
I JUST FOUND OUT THT MY OKIAYU WAS MARRIED...AWW...But is now divorced..and also he got a daughter...
Random talk session 21

August 05, 2008
August 04, 2008
Random talk session 20: more on tenipuri marathon songs
my comments
1. namikawa is seriously cute. when he sings so cutely, i feel like snugging and hugging him. the kind of feeling i get whn i see massu and yuya XD. he is so cute especially whn he titls his head and then smile, cutely tht is. my heart!!! spare my heart!!!! XDDDD
2. suwabe junichi. i love this guy. like seriously. i wonder why. is it becoz of atobe or grimmjow (or even bonten?). or vice versa??? hahaha..but whn i watch at his perf, why does i feel like he act like a pondan?? hahahahahaha. but he look so manly and kakkoi in the fuumon live perf though...haha...whteva la. like i said in MP. i am still gonna love him ^^
3. Megane's songs
-GO! Go! Megane's is a very amusing perf. hahahahaha. i mean. wht the heck??? hahahahaha. i totally cant imagine tezuka like tht...hahahaha... i predicted, oshitari's seiyuu give me a shock (he scares me ><)..anyhow..i still love oshitari..hahaha.
and as for okiayu. gah. it's totally the hair and the glasses. i love him. oh i admit it damn it. i love the old guy XDD hahahaha how old was he?? i forgot..
anyways...oh, and another shocker. inui's seiyuu. he is quite small man..hehe..but his voice. wuah!i was like: eh???? so garau..hehe...
tht's all. i want to go home and see the perf again. hahahaha.
August 02, 2008
Random talk session 19
1 screencap (credit to silver wind at MP). i'll post my own caps ftr i get to DL all of the files!!! XD
hyoutei eternity!!! i love these guys XD
namikawa looks so freakin cute XDDDDDDD. i 1st kno him from one of the neoromance events...and he was so cute, acting all shy and all. kawaii~~~
things to look forward for in the dvd:
1. all of atobe's solo songs XD
2. ometto samba. hiroki takahashi is so cute!!! i am very amazed of his voice as eiji. i want to see him voicig as eiji XDDDD
3. mebachiko XD. i hav to watch this. eventhough oshitari's seiyuu kinda scare me ><. but still!
4. megane's songs. XD. i hope okiayu will not gave me a shock. XD hahaha.
tht's all i ca think of now. signing off~ ja na~
will update more on MP XP
July 29, 2008
Random talk session 18: Oshitari stole my heart XD
yesterday i dwnload the mebachiko song by oshitari. i luv this song. it is so funny and crack! and the fact tht i luv kansai-ben make i luv it more XD.
trust tenipuri to make a crack songs ne...hahahaha. i love it!!!! and also, i love oshitari now!!!!!!!!!
at first i was kinda scare of him coz i hav this feeling tht he is somekind of a perverted person XDDDDD. his seductive voice in the valentine songs scares me XDDDDDDD. but now i hav to admit. i love the guy XDD. i luv hyoutei more and more now XDDDD
exclusive: the pic tht make me officially an oshitari fan
OMFG. OSHITARI-SAMA o________________0
oh, hello there tezuka. you look freakin hot too XD . pls blame oshitari for distracting me.
Mebachiko translation -by athena8 @ LJ-
woke up this morning, and glanced at my alarm clock
And I was shocked, I overslept
I had to rush to get ready
Cuz last night I was on the phone until late,
Having a long conversation with Atobe
I have to hurry and shampoo, brush my teeth, style my hair
Throw on my uniform, grab my bag, oops, can't forget my cell phone
Hmm, anything else?
I put on my glasses and thought, "It's time to go!"
But whoa, that's this? (I've got a mebachiko...)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm talking about a sty)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't mess with it)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I should put in some eye drops)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm gonna be dejected all day)
Let's make takoyaki*! It's been a while! Let's make a lot of 'em!
Damn it, it doesn't taste good!
Did you grab some that weren't too fresh? That's no good, is it donko or konpachi?**
No, no, no, no, isn't that kind of dated?
And come to think of it, how old are you anyway with that perm?
You're a pretty funny guy. What do you wanna drink? Iced coffee? Hiyashiame? You wanna have some candy? Here!
McDonald's? For real?
I dunno about that, it's kinda scary.
How can you say that, that's messed up!
It's true, it's true, it's true, I'm telling you!
I don't care, I don't care, leave it to me.
Dinner will be obanzai, like banzai or manzai?***
(This is like a manga...)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't talk like that)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (It irritates me)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't get carried away)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Don't keep saying it)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (That pisses me off)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (It irritates me)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (How odd)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (Did someone give it to me?)
Ah....come to think of it, in his eyes, too..!!
...did I get too close to him?
MEBACHIKO x 3 (That's what I thought)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (He gave it to me)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (It can't be helped)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm gonna be dejected all day)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I'm talking about a sty)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I said you shouldn't mess with it)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (I should put in some eye drops)
MEBACHIKO x 3 (MEBACHIKO...dismissed!)
~~~~ * ~~~~
(*) takoyaki: Octopus in fried batter
(**) I have no idea what he means here when he says "donko ka konpachi." A donko and kAnpachi are types of fish, but that doesn't seem to make any sense here. Not that anything makes sense in this stanza, lol.
another version:
Okay, wake up, it's morning sleepyhead, get up, get ready
I stayed up late last night on the phone with Atobe
Put on my shirt, brush my teeth, set my hair
My uniform, my bag, can't forget my cellphone! Wait, what else...?
All right, I heard you already, Mom, I'm eating breakfast and I don't have /time/!
Put on my glasses and see ya! At least, until I saw what was on my face. No! (Mebachiko!)
Mebachiko (It's a red or swollen eye)
Mebachiko (Don't touch it)
Mebachiko (Why eyedrops were invented)
Mebachiko (A day of sorrow)
Hadn't had takoyaki in a while. Make that plenty of takoyaki! Ah, damn, not that much left
Pachimon, I said. Ever heard of it? It's cheap second-class junk! Are you stupid or just simple?
No no no no no no and don't you think you're too old fashioned? With that perm you could look like ancient history
Well, that's your opinion. What'll you have? Iced Coffee? Hiyashi ame? You want candy? Here!
McDonalds? Are you kidding me? I don't know you, you're old news, yeah, I've heard it all No way no how no kidding! Got it?!
I don't care, just leave it to me and I'll get your breakfast, banzai, wait, banzai is too manzai-like (a kind of comedy)... (This is like a manga...)
Mebachiko (So I hear)
Mebachiko (You're getting on my nerves)
Mebachiko (Same to you)
Mebachiko (How many times do you have to say that?)
Mebachiko (Now you're pissing me off)
Mebachiko (Keep it up)
Mebachiko (You're just not normal)
Mebachiko (Want me to hit you?)
And when I said that, I saw it in his eyes too!
....Maybe I got too close?
Mebachiko (That's what I thought)
Mebachiko (Bragging rights)
Mebachiko (Ahh, well, if you say so.... I'll let it go)
Mebachiko (A day of sorrow)
Mebachiko (It's a red or swollen eye)
Mebachiko (Don't touch it)
Mebachiko (Why eyedrops were invented)
Mebachiko (MEBACHIKO. It's "Itte Yoshi.")
"Don't try to swich your eyeglasses with someone else's!"
July 28, 2008
Random talk session 17

this guy i said, i remember i dun like him the 1st time i see his pic in one of bleach opening....gah....but then for some reason now i love the guy very much. heh he become one of my fav in bleach XD. ok, i admit. i love grimmjow bwcoz of his seiyuu..hahaha.
well. here starts aftr i dwld the sakura song...i nvr actually like suwabe's voice before this but i totally love his voice in the sakura song. he sounds so cutteeee~ i didnt realize his voice can be so smooth...
if it wasnt for his seiyuu i dun think i would like this ruthless guy XD
July 23, 2008
Random talk session 16
anyways,,,random things happen in this week regarding seiyuu fandom..
1. i DL the brand new days by 3 guava's one of tpot tennis song
i kno yuji ueda is one of the singer but i cant seem to recoqnize his singing voice!!!!!!!!
2. in my dream, yusa kouji said he loves me *dies* of my weirdest dream...and actually yusa-san is already married and whn i found out i was disappointed too...*sigh* for a seiyuu is rather quite good looking XDDD heheh.
i luv the guy. XD and his voice XD
random pic: gah news..i miss these guys...

Random talk session 15: NEWS AS DOCTOR MAKES ME HAPPY XD
i just found this very cute news pic XDD. it made my heart squeek XDDD
news as doctors!!! kkyaaaa!!!!!
Ryo looks like an evil doctor..hehehe..
and shige ^^~ the blond doctor XDDD. eh, wait. isnt he is aiming to be a lawyer XDDD shige~~~
second picture
kyaaaa!!!! yamapi!!! i havent watch code blue but i surely like the image of yamapi in the white doctor coat better than the blue doctor cloth XDDD
koyama! tht pose looks so wrong. in so many ways XDDDD gah. koyama
and massu is cute as alwys XD. but y r u not smiling? ><
July 14, 2008
Random talk session 14

and this guy:

XDDD hahaha. how can he still looks so darn cute while muching on the little fried fish or whteva tht thng is call. hahaha XDDD
yappari, bishonen still makes my heart doki doki XDD. even JE has a lot of pretty boys but really thy still cant compete with anime bishonens XDDD. but, news is a very special exception XD
and yesterday i was listening to hikaru midorikawa's voice again and i almost cry!!!! almost!!!!!!! damn! his voice reminded me of tamahome. gah. tamahome...i was so in luv wit the guy. i love him. i love him. and i was heart broken.
wuaaaaa!!!! tamahome!!!! even until now i am still in love with you!!!!!!!!!!
July 09, 2008
Random talk session 13: more itou kentarou

Bleach - Renji Abarai
Blood+ - Akihiro Okamura
Buso Renkin - Washio
Captain Tsubasa: Road to Dream 2002 - Ken Wakashimazu
Ceres, The Celestial Legend - Yūhi Aogiri
Chou sei Kantai Sazer-X - Fire Shogun Blaird
D.Gray Man - Level 3 Akuma
Dai-Guard- Shunsuke Akagi
Demonbane - Daijuuji Kurou
Dragon Shadow Spell - Sig
Dokkiri Doctor - Rokoro Shibuya
Doraemon: Zeusdesu Naida - Kumo-Kotojin
Digimon Adventure - Yukidarumon
Digimon Frontier - Katsuharu
Flame of Recca - Minamio
Fullmetal Alchemist - Barry the Chopper
Gilgamesh - Fujisaki Isamu
Great Teacher Onizuka - Punk
Junjo Romantica - Hiroki Kamijo
Hamtaro - Taisho-kun (Boss)
Happiness! - Shinya Kamijyō
Hikaru no Go- Tetsuo Kaga
Kyo kara maoh! -Alford Markina (ep.19-20)
Kiniro no Corda (also known as La Corda D'Oro) - Ryoutaro Tsuchiura
Koutetsu Sangokushi - Shigi Taishiji
The Law of Ueki - Guitar
Majuu Zensen THE APOCALYPSE - Shin'ichi Kuruma
MäR Mr. Hook
Martian Successor Nadesico and Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness- Jun Aoi
Rockman EXE series - Shadowman
Momoko Kaeru no Utaga Ki Koeruyo- Kuroki Senjou
Naruto - Chouji Akimichi
Ryusei no Rockman - War-Rock
Rental Magica - Hyodo
Street Fighter - Yun Lee
Saiunkoku Monogatari - Rou Ensei
Super Doll★Licca-chan - Doll Isamu
Strange Dawn - Shall
Superior Defender Gundam Force - Deathscythe
Zombie-Loan - Asou Sotetsu
Character Themes
Bleach Beat Collection - Renji Abarai
Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior
Standing To Defend You
Gomi Tamemitai na Machi de Oretachi wa Deatta
Drama CDs
Bleach Volume 1: The Night Before The Execution - Renji Abarai
Bleach Volume 2: Hanatarou's Lost Item - Renji Abarai
Bleach Volume 3: The Night Before the Confusion - Renji Abarai
Hana-Kimi - Kayashima Taiki
Video Games
Black Matrix - Zero
Bleach: Blade Battlers - Renji Abarai
Bleach: Blade Battlers 2 - Renji Abarai
Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 - Renji Abarai
Bleach: Heat The Soul 3 - Renji Abarai
Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 - Renji Abarai
Bleach: Shattered Blade - Renji Abarai
Dragon Force (PS2 remake) - Mikhal of Izumo
Enchanted Arms - Ooka
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind - Guido Mista
Rockman X4 - Rockman X
Star Ocean: The First Departure - Dorn Marto
Tales of Phantasia (PlayStation remake) - Chester Barklight
PC Games
Clannad - Tomoya Okazaki (Visual Novel)
May 22, 2008
Random talk session 12
i am very concern of my news fandom...
my othr blog the news related entry is getting lesser...
well, news gotta do sumthhng cute fast ne~ XD
y was i making this talk session again??? oh yeah. becoz i am really concern of my primary fandom. (did i just repeat tht??)
news!!! i miss you!!! i am almost going back home! y r u guys doesnt making any cute things for me to see? seriously. u r in danger. my old fandom started to fire back. and new fandom started to invade..
i want to stay faithful yo~
May 20, 2008
Ransom talk session 11
i am amused to see my grimmjow in a suit XDDD. how the heck did i like tht guy anyway??? i think i kinda dislike him the first time i saw him in the op song... i think it is becoz of the seiyuu tht i actually LOVE him. hahah. oh suwabe-sama~
and i am quite disapointed renji didnt get in the top 1o. byakuya mou~ T_T
well, recently renji is growing in my heart XD. and also becoz of his seiyuu too ne~ itouken-sama is so cute XDD hahahaha..and ishida my love is also in the top 1o. i was worried abt his popularity XDDD. and even kira got in the top 10...i am amazed..haha...and i also love kira XDD hohoho~
oh and i also hav a special thingy with atobe now. haha. well. yes. i think it's the seiyuu again. omg how seiyuu can impact me. watashi no ouji-sama~ atobe-sama~ XDD
news!!!! where are you. i am suprised of how little promotion thy got for summer time. i even revert back to my old fandom....
well..i think i'll edit this later too XD
May 15, 2008
Random talk session 10: Love is really blind
May 13, 2008
Random talk session 9
i hav so many fav seiyuu...seki tomokazu, miki shin'inichiro, hikaru midorikawa, sho hayami, miyata koki, kentarou ito, houshi souichiro, yusa koji and the list goes on...i cant decide on my fav voice becoz all of thm r really amazing...
namikawa daisuke looks so young and cute but i stil cant recoqnize his voice...and also his face appaently...hhmm...need to fix tht...
yesterday i finished watching kenichi XD. i was ready to cry whn odin/ryuto fell...aahrrghhh!!! i really did!!! i love him!!!!
hermit/natsu is also very cute XDDD gah. i thnk he is my second fav charac XDD
who is first?? hehe...actually it's akisame-sama XDDD hahaha. he is kakkoi yo~ XDD
sore ja~ tht is all...oh and anothr thng..
hepi belated anniversary to my beloved NEWS ^^
April 11, 2008
Random talk session 8
for tht new LJ account i thought of posting every news picture related (like wht i do here)
mean while, multiply is for all-purpose fangirling...hahaha...
and as for blogspot..maybe i'll talk more RANDOMLY abt my fandom and also some real-life related XD
i am loss of words again..

Random talk session 7: Special edition
i love u guys ^^
hehe...just gotta say tht...
i see u guys everyday for this 3 years...can u imagine....
3 years, everyday, the same faces. XD
edit later
Random talk session 6
So at first it was massu who was introduced, then shige and finally koyama. Then the chorus part. After tht, it was yuya, yamapi and lastly ryo.
I just realized tht it was only massu, koyama n shige singing the first chorus part. and during tht time yuya, yamapi nryo was no where to be seen. It was probably becoz thy were changing clothes becoz whn they appear again, the clothes were diff XD.
after yuya, yamapi n ryo appear, the second chorus was sang by three of them only. In the last part then thy all sing again XD. hehe…and some random thought when I was wathing the vid, yuya’s, yamapi’s and ryo’s voice combination is quite good eh? XD
March 28, 2008
Random talk session 5: Picture comment
March 03, 2008
Random talk session 4: Baccano
edit later
February 26, 2008
Random talk session 3: NEWS at MS
The choreographer for this song is awesome. Tht is one of the highliights….the no.1 highlight is of course the rain XD
Massu was the only one who I caught smiling XD (massu, dun forget u r singing angst song XD
And this dance wh thy started to put their hands on their shoulder and turning around…for some reason I thought tht was so cute xDDD

isnt it so cuuuteee XDDDDDDD
oh news &hearts
oh and also the part whn thy turn around in pair XDDD sugoi~ sugoi~ i love the dance for this song. maybe even surpass houshi wo mezashite XDD hehe
February 09, 2008
Random talk session 2
on another news...bambina's bridge kill me X_X
甘過ぎる声を 張り上げて壊れるくらいに いかせてやる
amasugiru koe wo hariagetekowareru kurai ni ikaseteyaru
Raise your overly delicious voiceI'll make it go on until it is almost broken
and wht's more yuya is singing tht part. WTH?????? TT_______TT
February 06, 2008
Random talk session 1
shikamo, 2 of them is LJ account XD
WTH am i doing..maybe i should deleted the other LJ account XD
anyways...wht i want to talk abt ne~ how abt some random pic XD
Guess who tht is. hehehe XD he's so cute ne XD

why am i being random again...