today is 1st of nov, sunday! these are the significant things that happened today..hehe..
i browsed utube...and suddenly, i wanted to hear pokemon johto i watched the video..argh! this song, as catchy as ever *____________* i even almost cry bcoz of the nosalgic feeling and also bcoz of the awesomeness of the song XD
i am not really pokemon fan (anime) XD but i enjoy playing the game XD and one thing, gary looks soooo kakkoi in the op song *_________*
ah...ealier, i dwld tenka's (from houshin engi) song...tenka is so handsome *____* my love for him totally sky-rocketed after i hear houshin engi songs XD he has a very very very handsome voice! XDDD
i found this one nice scans from the internet..
Nataku and Youzen, fighting(?) lol Red and the Blue. nice eh XDD news..the the dvd is already on utube and somebody has upload them. wit my lousy connection, there's no way i can finish dwld-ing...arghh!! so frustrating!!!! i dun wan to wacth LQ vid from utube....
news_jpop LJ comm also begun to flood wit screencaps and icons from the dvd..and i will not peek a look DX must be patience!!! but i think mayb i am gonna dwld fly again later XDDDD
emm..that's all!! bye2
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