ohisashiburi ne~ i havent update for quite some times XDD kinda. lately, been verrrry lazy..and nothing particular happen for me to blog...
emm....yeah.cant think of anything...
fandom..NEWS is still doing nothing DX and most probably ryo is not gonna be wit NEWS on countdown bcoz of the whole kanjani con T_T AND COUTDOWN IS MY SPECIAL DAY OF THE YEAR!!! I WAS SO SAD WHEN I READ ABOUT THIS T_T
...aii...next, about yamapi con. many guest came, except for NEWS members? WTH? koki came, nakamaru came, jin,toma,takki....half of KATTUN already came...aii..so sad..but at least, there's some pin moments XDDD so cute~~ and eternal is such nice song *_* it's in my head these few days. even before i sleep i would hum the song (in my head XD)
next...Gintama. i watched until ep 184. didnt expect the culprit to be yamazaki lol the end is sad and hillarious at the same time hahaha. .
emmm...what else...cant think...
my sleeping habit seems to be normal nowadays...i slept early..around 11pm and woke up quite early too haha...like this morning woke up at 8am i think? emm...
ok...picture time XD

the always sweet and nice yamamoto wit those smug face *3* kakkoi yo!! hehehe..
ok ,that's all..bye bi~
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