yesterday...was wathing a funny video on utube. about brock (from pokemon). he looks so funny wit eyes open. LOL i cant stop laughing. repeating the video too many times make me love the background song. and waddya kno. it's matt's (yamato. from digimon) song. yamato!! i miss that guy. havent seen him for soo long. oh gawd. he is seriously, one of my all time fav character *_*. I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!! so, i try to find his pic in photobucket. and i found this cute love quote:
"you know you are in love when you cant fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams"
aww~~ so cute. i am not really the mushy mushy a.k.a.jiwang type, but that was really cute ne XD
ok..back to bushiness...yamato~~

i never think green would look so kakkoi XD and i think this is the reason i have a thing with sleeveless now XDDD and turtleneck XD GAH. i wish i can watch digimon again >,<
-right now, listening to yamato image song, it's his 02 song, not adv XD the title is..i cant remember! it's too long too remember XD haha yesterday i repeated it so many times, but i didnt like it. after i listen it to it again now, i actually found it quite catchy XD nice song eh! hehehe!!
that's all for today. goes to play mafia wars in facebook XD bye2
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