Hello diary! today is 21/1/2010, it's thursday~
yesterday my father was admitted to the hosp. wait, is that sentence right? sounds weird tho. i think the doctors made a wrong diagnose. the symptoms that my father had were the same wit me when i got the stomach flu sickness. they thought it was appendix. really make me wanna say "WTH??"
emm...what else...oh, about tenipuri event dvd. i wrote in my MP site.
wow, i have no idea now. actually.yeah,really.
bye. hee?? so short!
someone made a very offensive comment in this post. i deleted it bcoz it makes me sad and angry. what did i do wrong????? are u the doc who diagnosed my father??? so u feel offended when i said the doctor mayb had made a wrong diagnosed?? then, i'm sorry!! but u shouldnt say that kind of thing in my blog. i was sad that my dad was sick and then this comment just make me even sadder. i hate conflict!! why human can be so mean????
January 21, 2010
January 13, 2010
Random talk session 117: lalala
hello diarY! today is 13/1/2010, wednesday~ morning~
i finally dwld-ed nesa no ou~ i have been wanting to find this BL drama for quite some time. 1 year or so? XDD
comment? em. it's ok XD well, i love both seiyuu, so yeah XDDD ok, seriously, story-wise, i kinda like it XD in the beginning, the seme is too aggressive tho. i really dislike that kinda character. but in the midde, i think he's ok XDDD i think it's bcoz of my toriumi bias XDD haha. and suzuken is so cute XD. he's using the typical young voice, like hikaru in ouran. i'm REALLY relieve his character is not like an annoying girl!! bcoz his voice can be like that if he want too haha. as for toriumi, he is a serious character..his voice, like always, doesnt really change.
wuu, wanna hear more toriumi x suzuken~ i wonder if there's suzuken x toriumi? haha.
emm..i have been hearing a lot BL dramas lately. i feel so dirty...ahahahahahah..
enough of that topic, i must cleanse my soul ahaha besides, there arent any BL dramas i want to find anymore at this moment...
oh, early this morning, i watched a suwabe slide show in utube. gah. here's what i write while watching it...
Gah. what is this weird feeling when i c a slide show of suwabe's pictures in utube....why i feel so happy? toki doki feeling *_* the same feeling i got whn listening to his song.. i dun even kno the guy that much...but i want to kno more abt him....i dun think i love him that much (really?)...he's not that handsome. he's old. he has a short chin lol..he can be such a pervert sometimes lol. i should only adore his voice only but why do i feel like i want to meet him..why..why...??? darn suwabe. why is he making me confuse abt my feeling? lol
..........ok, i realize sumthing. one thing i really love abt him (apart from his voice XD)..his smile. OH GAWD. THAT SMILE WHEN HE LAUGHS HDSJFHSSKJFDFFDJDF. Now i remember, he kinda remind me of massu XD
*sigh* i miss him. i wonder what he's doing now. i dun even have a clue. for the last 2 years....
.............ok, now onto real life. there was fogging at our long house yesterday. but, there was no fog. i mean, no smoke. so weird! i wonder if it's new way of fogging now?? what else..em..nothing much. i am only sleeping at home. wish i can have a job and buy some suwabe's stuffs lol
that's all......bye~
i finally dwld-ed nesa no ou~ i have been wanting to find this BL drama for quite some time. 1 year or so? XDD
comment? em. it's ok XD well, i love both seiyuu, so yeah XDDD ok, seriously, story-wise, i kinda like it XD in the beginning, the seme is too aggressive tho. i really dislike that kinda character. but in the midde, i think he's ok XDDD i think it's bcoz of my toriumi bias XDD haha. and suzuken is so cute XD. he's using the typical young voice, like hikaru in ouran. i'm REALLY relieve his character is not like an annoying girl!! bcoz his voice can be like that if he want too haha. as for toriumi, he is a serious character..his voice, like always, doesnt really change.
wuu, wanna hear more toriumi x suzuken~ i wonder if there's suzuken x toriumi? haha.
emm..i have been hearing a lot BL dramas lately. i feel so dirty...ahahahahahah..
enough of that topic, i must cleanse my soul ahaha besides, there arent any BL dramas i want to find anymore at this moment...
oh, early this morning, i watched a suwabe slide show in utube. gah. here's what i write while watching it...
Gah. what is this weird feeling when i c a slide show of suwabe's pictures in utube....why i feel so happy? toki doki feeling *_* the same feeling i got whn listening to his song.. i dun even kno the guy that much...but i want to kno more abt him....i dun think i love him that much (really?)...he's not that handsome. he's old. he has a short chin lol..he can be such a pervert sometimes lol. i should only adore his voice only but why do i feel like i want to meet him..why..why...??? darn suwabe. why is he making me confuse abt my feeling? lol
..........ok, i realize sumthing. one thing i really love abt him (apart from his voice XD)..his smile. OH GAWD. THAT SMILE WHEN HE LAUGHS HDSJFHSSKJFDFFDJDF. Now i remember, he kinda remind me of massu XD
when he had this haircut, he kinda looked like massu XD
.............ok, now onto real life. there was fogging at our long house yesterday. but, there was no fog. i mean, no smoke. so weird! i wonder if it's new way of fogging now?? what else..em..nothing much. i am only sleeping at home. wish i can have a job and buy some suwabe's stuffs lol
that's all......bye~
January 12, 2010
Random talk session 116: *facepalm*
hello diary! today is 12/1/09, it's tuesday since it's past 12am already XD nw is 3:48am
*facepalm* (again)
see the guy in the yellow shirt!!! wit that hair O_o
watch him HERE. he is doing the role of a wind (?) XDDDDDD hahahhhaa
it's suwabe...the pic is so small, but i can still recognize him XD WHY IS HIS HAIR SO PECULIARLY LONG?? o_o
......................emm........ i think i actually like the hair and that yellow shirt XD
yes, this is the 2nd time i facepalm at the sight of him, this week XDDD
*double facepalm*
toriumi...looks like a real okama, so he scare me the most. hiroki also. suzumura is ok. thank goodness. yoshino cut his hair after that event???????? and the guy at the left (forgot his name DX) is just plain silly, but is a lot better than the rest haha. i bet kishio is relieve he is wearing that choujin costumes XDDD
ps: i need to dwld that vitamin z even someday!!!!!!!!
*facepalm* (again)
bcoz of this:

watch him HERE. he is doing the role of a wind (?) XDDDDDD hahahhhaa
it's suwabe...the pic is so small, but i can still recognize him XD WHY IS HIS HAIR SO PECULIARLY LONG?? o_o
......................emm........ i think i actually like the hair and that yellow shirt XD
yes, this is the 2nd time i facepalm at the sight of him, this week XDDD
the 1st time was bcoz of this.......

toriumi...looks like a real okama, so he scare me the most. hiroki also. suzumura is ok. thank goodness. yoshino cut his hair after that event???????? and the guy at the left (forgot his name DX) is just plain silly, but is a lot better than the rest haha. i bet kishio is relieve he is wearing that choujin costumes XDDD
ps: i need to dwld that vitamin z even someday!!!!!!!!
January 11, 2010
Random talk session 115: tora-san and okami-san
hello diary! today is 11/1/2010. it's monday.
i've dwld another yusa x toriumi drama entitle tora-san and okami-san. to be honest i didnt really like it. the seme is too aggressive!! and i think i am more into story where the uke slowly falls in love wit the seme as the story progress XDDDDDDD while is this drama, the uke already falls for the seme in the beginning...
em, toriumi play a more funny character in tora-san and okami-san, but his voice isnt really diff from in hisho no tashinami. he rarely change his voice ne. even if he did, not really major~
yusa voice is lower than in hisho no tashinami~ .........emm...that's all..dunno what else to comment XDD haha...
that's all i guess~ bye :D
ps: now dwld-ing nessa no ou (toriumi x suzumura)
i've dwld another yusa x toriumi drama entitle tora-san and okami-san. to be honest i didnt really like it. the seme is too aggressive!! and i think i am more into story where the uke slowly falls in love wit the seme as the story progress XDDDDDDD while is this drama, the uke already falls for the seme in the beginning...
em, toriumi play a more funny character in tora-san and okami-san, but his voice isnt really diff from in hisho no tashinami. he rarely change his voice ne. even if he did, not really major~
yusa voice is lower than in hisho no tashinami~ .........emm...that's all..dunno what else to comment XDD haha...
that's all i guess~ bye :D
ps: now dwld-ing nessa no ou (toriumi x suzumura)
Random talk session 114: Hisho no tashinami
hello diary! today is 11/1/2010. it's monday~
finally i find yusa koiji x toriumi kousuke BL drama, hisho no tashinami XD There are 2 parts. i dwld-ed the 1st part XDD macam x percaya je dapat dwld fail 90mb tu XDDD and now i am still dwld-ing the the 2nd part (abt 60mb)
kyaa~ this BL sounds soo cute >_< and not very angst XDDD yusa sounds sooo cute XDD toriumi, sounds like toriumi XDD
when oikawa (yusa) mansion was on fire (?). he was like: ah onegai! terebi wa tasukete
and also the part when izuhara drunk, oikawa's reaction is sooo cute >___________<
i feel wanna hug him XDDD
emm...but still, there are many parts i dun understand at all T_T i wish my japanese is better wuuu! T_______T
eh? sore dake?? too short...wuu..
what else ne...ahh...cant think anymore...guess that's all. bye~
edit: finally finish dwld-ing XDD kya, i wonder what's gonna happen to oikawa and izuhara xD
in the 1st part, everything seems going very fine XD
finally i find yusa koiji x toriumi kousuke BL drama, hisho no tashinami XD There are 2 parts. i dwld-ed the 1st part XDD macam x percaya je dapat dwld fail 90mb tu XDDD and now i am still dwld-ing the the 2nd part (abt 60mb)
kyaa~ this BL sounds soo cute >_< and not very angst XDDD yusa sounds sooo cute XDD toriumi, sounds like toriumi XDD
when oikawa (yusa) mansion was on fire (?). he was like: ah onegai! terebi wa tasukete
and also the part when izuhara drunk, oikawa's reaction is sooo cute >___________<
i feel wanna hug him XDDD
emm...but still, there are many parts i dun understand at all T_T i wish my japanese is better wuuu! T_______T
eh? sore dake?? too short...wuu..
what else ne...ahh...cant think anymore...guess that's all. bye~
edit: finally finish dwld-ing XDD kya, i wonder what's gonna happen to oikawa and izuhara xD
in the 1st part, everything seems going very fine XD
January 10, 2010
Random talk session 113
hello diary!
today is 10/1/10 (sunday). it's 2:29am.
em....i am reading someone's LJ. there's a reason. so actually, at first i was at seiyuu LJ comm, looking for any scans i miss. there wasnt any. but then, i saw toriumi kousuke's icon. so, i checked that person's LJ. what's the best way to find out what happen in ur fandom that u r not update wit? of course, stalk a fan blog XD. so anyway..i read this person's many entries to read what she wrote about toriumi..so i read, and read, and read...i found out a few major things.
-so apparently, toriumi and yusa kouji had done few BL dramas together, i will try to find it..
-there's gonna be trigun movie this year!!!!!!!!!!!!! the trailer!! sjdhfshd OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOLFWOOD kjsdhfgdhsg I MISS THAT DARN GUY *______________* CURSE ANIME PRODUCTION FOR KILLING HIS CHARACTER jkfdhjdsf
ok...enough spazzing..lol
-toriumi's long hair
i think that's kondo takeshi beside him...wait, i think that IS him. look how short that guy is lol. anwyay, my comment on toriumi's hair. i was not that terrified whn i saw it lol. i guess it's kinda ok XD he's still cute wit the baseball cap XD. i still wonder why is this guy refuse to show his forehead XD
-also.. saiyuki manga is still ongoing, and now wit a new title. saiyuki reload blast. wow, i really need to catch up..
-yasumoto hiroki.......I FEEL LIKE PUNCHING SUMTHING. GAH. u c, lately i've seen this guys name for quite a lot in the seiyuu comm. i was like, "who is tis guy? lol". and that when i read this blog, i finally realize who he was. and i actually knew him from the beginning of my seiyuu obsession. he was in the bleach soul sonic!!!!!!!! he's chad!!!! the one wit the overly manly, husky voice and a NICE *o* body XDDDDDDDD shjkdhsdfhsf I FORGOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! sahdhsg *slapped self* GAWD, i need to watch that video again XD and damn, he is also Germany's voice in Hetalia. yes, i can hear him!!!!! jsdgffhdsh. WHY I DIDNT NOTICE HIS VOICE DX. ok, mayb bcoz i havent watch Bleach for like ages. XD
what else? em, that all i can think about XD. gonna continue reading 'that' toriumi fan blog XD
edit: ah~ i wonder how did these fans know the right place to look for info on their fav seiyuus. i am envious. wish i can read japanese so that i can kno their updates too...
today is 10/1/10 (sunday). it's 2:29am.
em....i am reading someone's LJ. there's a reason. so actually, at first i was at seiyuu LJ comm, looking for any scans i miss. there wasnt any. but then, i saw toriumi kousuke's icon. so, i checked that person's LJ. what's the best way to find out what happen in ur fandom that u r not update wit? of course, stalk a fan blog XD. so anyway..i read this person's many entries to read what she wrote about toriumi..so i read, and read, and read...i found out a few major things.
-so apparently, toriumi and yusa kouji had done few BL dramas together, i will try to find it..
-there's gonna be trigun movie this year!!!!!!!!!!!!! the trailer!! sjdhfshd OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOLFWOOD kjsdhfgdhsg I MISS THAT DARN GUY *______________* CURSE ANIME PRODUCTION FOR KILLING HIS CHARACTER jkfdhjdsf
ok...enough spazzing..lol
-toriumi's long hair

-also.. saiyuki manga is still ongoing, and now wit a new title. saiyuki reload blast. wow, i really need to catch up..
-yasumoto hiroki.......I FEEL LIKE PUNCHING SUMTHING. GAH. u c, lately i've seen this guys name for quite a lot in the seiyuu comm. i was like, "who is tis guy? lol". and that when i read this blog, i finally realize who he was. and i actually knew him from the beginning of my seiyuu obsession. he was in the bleach soul sonic!!!!!!!! he's chad!!!! the one wit the overly manly, husky voice and a NICE *o* body XDDDDDDDD shjkdhsdfhsf I FORGOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! sahdhsg *slapped self* GAWD, i need to watch that video again XD and damn, he is also Germany's voice in Hetalia. yes, i can hear him!!!!! jsdgffhdsh. WHY I DIDNT NOTICE HIS VOICE DX. ok, mayb bcoz i havent watch Bleach for like ages. XD
what else? em, that all i can think about XD. gonna continue reading 'that' toriumi fan blog XD
edit: ah~ i wonder how did these fans know the right place to look for info on their fav seiyuus. i am envious. wish i can read japanese so that i can kno their updates too...
January 07, 2010
Random talk session 112: fandoms....fandoms...
hello diary! today is friday, 8/1/2010. it's 12:50am...
was reading a seiyuu fan blog (a really big fan)..and then i start to question myself, what kind of fan i am? am i really a fan?
me, who also love NEWS, which is an idol grup. they dun seem really related..i wonder y i like them...oh, and to be clear, i am not a JE fan. i ONLY love NEWS. and i am kinda update wit kattun since i join the community. no arashi, no kanjani (ohkura is cute tho XD). i am dedicating my self as being a NEWS's fan. but sadly, i think my passion for them was not like it use to be. i think. u kno, the magic is gone. i dun love them as much as the 1st time i come to kno them. wait. isnt that normal? lol i mean, it's like male-female relationship right? at the 1st stage: the meeting, lovey-dovey-dating,etc. and then they decided to go to the 2nd stage, marriage. and few years later, i ask, is the love passion is still as hot as it was? not really right? but, there's one thing for sure, the feeling for the partner is still the same right? the love. the memories. it's still there. so, eventho the feeling is not that as much as before, but it's still there, and it has become more meaningful than it was. ah, i am getting confusing lol. ok, back to NEWS. but there's still one problem, i have no read their magazine interviews or nikki for very long time. u can say i am lazy lol. but thankful i read some of my fellow fangirls blog, so i kno the little highlight what they said in magazines. neway, i am gonna try to read for interviews and nikki from now.
next is, gonna talk the other fandom of mine, seiyuu@voice actors. reading the seiyuu's fan blog, i feel disapointed at myself. i dun think i deserve to call myself a fan, really. i guess i just have this weird reaction towards voices lol. seriously, sometime, when i listen to some seiyuu song (current ex: suwabe's song, forgot the title), i have this strange-feel like my heart gonna burst-feeling (a.k.a. overly excited feeling). i listen to NEWS songs and they never give me that feeling. it's so strange yo!! xD NEWS songs make me sad instead lol (yes, i'm talking abt share XD). and 1 more different, i dun really pay attention to their voices (NEWS). while listening to seiyuu songs, i would concentrate on how they sound (not on how bad or how good their sing, but their voice in general). so anyway, i also have so many fav seiyuu. i seems to like one after another lol. note to self, really has to pick favs later lol. anyway..what else? oh, i was browsing the net, looking for Sta*Men dvds. but fail, they dun exist. nobod upload them T_T. i guess i have to buy the dvd after all? but i really wanna watch it sooner. Sta*Men seems like a very funny grup. and they hav very random activities lol
ok, next, about anime. i dun watch much anime as before. well, actually i am still watching Gintama XD
ah, i feel sleepy, i guess that's all. mayb i'll continue the rants on anime another time. ja :)
was reading a seiyuu fan blog (a really big fan)..and then i start to question myself, what kind of fan i am? am i really a fan?
me, who also love NEWS, which is an idol grup. they dun seem really related..i wonder y i like them...oh, and to be clear, i am not a JE fan. i ONLY love NEWS. and i am kinda update wit kattun since i join the community. no arashi, no kanjani (ohkura is cute tho XD). i am dedicating my self as being a NEWS's fan. but sadly, i think my passion for them was not like it use to be. i think. u kno, the magic is gone. i dun love them as much as the 1st time i come to kno them. wait. isnt that normal? lol i mean, it's like male-female relationship right? at the 1st stage: the meeting, lovey-dovey-dating,etc. and then they decided to go to the 2nd stage, marriage. and few years later, i ask, is the love passion is still as hot as it was? not really right? but, there's one thing for sure, the feeling for the partner is still the same right? the love. the memories. it's still there. so, eventho the feeling is not that as much as before, but it's still there, and it has become more meaningful than it was. ah, i am getting confusing lol. ok, back to NEWS. but there's still one problem, i have no read their magazine interviews or nikki for very long time. u can say i am lazy lol. but thankful i read some of my fellow fangirls blog, so i kno the little highlight what they said in magazines. neway, i am gonna try to read for interviews and nikki from now.
next is, gonna talk the other fandom of mine, seiyuu@voice actors. reading the seiyuu's fan blog, i feel disapointed at myself. i dun think i deserve to call myself a fan, really. i guess i just have this weird reaction towards voices lol. seriously, sometime, when i listen to some seiyuu song (current ex: suwabe's song, forgot the title), i have this strange-feel like my heart gonna burst-feeling (a.k.a. overly excited feeling). i listen to NEWS songs and they never give me that feeling. it's so strange yo!! xD NEWS songs make me sad instead lol (yes, i'm talking abt share XD). and 1 more different, i dun really pay attention to their voices (NEWS). while listening to seiyuu songs, i would concentrate on how they sound (not on how bad or how good their sing, but their voice in general). so anyway, i also have so many fav seiyuu. i seems to like one after another lol. note to self, really has to pick favs later lol. anyway..what else? oh, i was browsing the net, looking for Sta*Men dvds. but fail, they dun exist. nobod upload them T_T. i guess i have to buy the dvd after all? but i really wanna watch it sooner. Sta*Men seems like a very funny grup. and they hav very random activities lol
ok, next, about anime. i dun watch much anime as before. well, actually i am still watching Gintama XD
ah, i feel sleepy, i guess that's all. mayb i'll continue the rants on anime another time. ja :)
Random talk session 111: koitsu wa...
hello diary! 2: 52am now. it's 7/1/2010. thursday desu~
today gonna do an entry abt suwabe junichi. actually i wrote this abt 1 month ago?
before tis, i;ve done an entry about okiayu ryoutaro, takahashi hiroki and hidenobu kiuchi. and now i am finally gonna do a proper one for one of my fav seiyuu, suwabe junichi.
before tis i notice of his voice from xtv, as fuuma. and aftr tht i kinda notice his voice here and there, but dun really remember, becoz he was not really my fav voice...and he didnt voice any memorable character....as a matter of fact, i only remember fuuma....emm...so, one of the factor for being a voice tht i can recoqnize is, he has to be my fav character...hehe.anyway..back to suwabe..
the first time i hear him sing is frm the song, cros with me, atobe keigo character song. at tht time, i hav already fall in love wit atobe,so i dwld one of his character song bcoz i want to hear him sing XD. i kinda like cross wit me. i even look for the lyrc XD. but i am still not a fan of his voice...
next is the first time i c his real face....also, i dun remember when...but i think i kinda google his name? or did i saw it in anime nfo seiyuu page? emm...
so, how did tis voice manage to become one of my fav of al time? becoz of my seiyuu obsession, i join in the seiyuu LJ comm, and dwld most of tenipuri songs. and then there was a song by suwabe junichi, callled sakura..it was supposed to be atobe's chaarc song? i think? so i dwld it and tht song totally catchy and i was so intrigue by how suwabe's sound..his voice is so soft and tender, diff from his usual rough voice as atobe...and then, ia also dwld valentine kiss. i totally love tis song. i can say, these 2 songs: sakura and valentine kiss, was the reason i love suwabe's voice, but still not the real person....i only become to like suwabe aft i wacth the 100 songs marathon. he didnt look so bad at all in the con XD. amplify by my absolute love for atobe, my suwabe love also develops where he actualy earns my fav seiyuu status XD and become one of the people tht i want to meet if i hav the chance to go to japan. i hav many seiyuu tht i like, but the one tht i really want to meet in person is few...and suwabe is one of them XD
that's all..my story of suwabe junichi...
today gonna do an entry abt suwabe junichi. actually i wrote this abt 1 month ago?
before tis, i;ve done an entry about okiayu ryoutaro, takahashi hiroki and hidenobu kiuchi. and now i am finally gonna do a proper one for one of my fav seiyuu, suwabe junichi.
before tis i notice of his voice from xtv, as fuuma. and aftr tht i kinda notice his voice here and there, but dun really remember, becoz he was not really my fav voice...and he didnt voice any memorable character....as a matter of fact, i only remember fuuma....emm...so, one of the factor for being a voice tht i can recoqnize is, he has to be my fav character...hehe.anyway..back to suwabe..
the first time i hear him sing is frm the song, cros with me, atobe keigo character song. at tht time, i hav already fall in love wit atobe,so i dwld one of his character song bcoz i want to hear him sing XD. i kinda like cross wit me. i even look for the lyrc XD. but i am still not a fan of his voice...
next is the first time i c his real face....also, i dun remember when...but i think i kinda google his name? or did i saw it in anime nfo seiyuu page? emm...
so, how did tis voice manage to become one of my fav of al time? becoz of my seiyuu obsession, i join in the seiyuu LJ comm, and dwld most of tenipuri songs. and then there was a song by suwabe junichi, callled sakura..it was supposed to be atobe's chaarc song? i think? so i dwld it and tht song totally catchy and i was so intrigue by how suwabe's sound..his voice is so soft and tender, diff from his usual rough voice as atobe...and then, ia also dwld valentine kiss. i totally love tis song. i can say, these 2 songs: sakura and valentine kiss, was the reason i love suwabe's voice, but still not the real person....i only become to like suwabe aft i wacth the 100 songs marathon. he didnt look so bad at all in the con XD. amplify by my absolute love for atobe, my suwabe love also develops where he actualy earns my fav seiyuu status XD and become one of the people tht i want to meet if i hav the chance to go to japan. i hav many seiyuu tht i like, but the one tht i really want to meet in person is few...and suwabe is one of them XD
that's all..my story of suwabe junichi...
January 05, 2010
Random talk session 110: 2010 meme
hi diary! it's still tuesday today!! 2 posts in a row (spamming? lol)
the meme for 2009 here
What fandoms did you acquire in 2009?
i have lot, eps in anime fandom. i start to watch Hitman Reborn, Hetalia and the one has the most impact to me, GINTAMA!!!!! XDDD it certainly has been acknowledge as my (current) fav anime XD. i even dun watch recent ep of Hetalia now, eventho i can dwld it's 5min ep in utube. i chose to dwld the 60mb Gintama instead XD the same for Reborn...i dun even want to watch the ep i dwld before this XDD *shot*
oh,and another one, games!! is starts to play NDS game recently XD notably, Phoenix Wright and Proffesor Layton.
What fandoms did you let go of in 2009?
i havent watch any Bleach and Naruto eps these 2 years...are they consider abandon? lol well, not that i lost all interest..i still want to watch if someone lend me the cds...ok, maybe not naruto. i dun want to watch shippuuden anymore!!! gahh!!!! kishimoto!!! if u didnt kill itachi, i would still be in this fandom T_T
What fandoms do you intend on checking out in 2010?
not plan in checking anything....wait and c ne..
What fandoms do you think you might let go of in 2010 unless things significantly improve
hitman reborn and hetalia? lol *bazooka-ed*
What fandoms do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why?
NEWS!!!!!!!! zutto, i will love u forever~
What show impressed you most in 2009?
dunno...Winter Party Diamond maybe? lol
What show impressed you least in 2009?
soukon? lol actually i want NEWS to have a better show...
end!!! :)
the meme for 2009 here
What fandoms did you acquire in 2009?
i have lot, eps in anime fandom. i start to watch Hitman Reborn, Hetalia and the one has the most impact to me, GINTAMA!!!!! XDDD it certainly has been acknowledge as my (current) fav anime XD. i even dun watch recent ep of Hetalia now, eventho i can dwld it's 5min ep in utube. i chose to dwld the 60mb Gintama instead XD the same for Reborn...i dun even want to watch the ep i dwld before this XDD *shot*
oh,and another one, games!! is starts to play NDS game recently XD notably, Phoenix Wright and Proffesor Layton.
What fandoms did you let go of in 2009?
i havent watch any Bleach and Naruto eps these 2 years...are they consider abandon? lol well, not that i lost all interest..i still want to watch if someone lend me the cds...ok, maybe not naruto. i dun want to watch shippuuden anymore!!! gahh!!!! kishimoto!!! if u didnt kill itachi, i would still be in this fandom T_T
What fandoms do you intend on checking out in 2010?
not plan in checking anything....wait and c ne..
What fandoms do you think you might let go of in 2010 unless things significantly improve
hitman reborn and hetalia? lol *bazooka-ed*
What fandoms do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why?
NEWS!!!!!!!! zutto, i will love u forever~
What show impressed you most in 2009?
dunno...Winter Party Diamond maybe? lol
What show impressed you least in 2009?
soukon? lol actually i want NEWS to have a better show...
end!!! :)
Random talk session 109: 2010 already!
hello diary!! 5/1/2010.. it's 4:25am now, so today is tuesday!!
kinda late, but wanna wish happy new year!!!!!!!

2010 is the year of the tiger. it's my year!! XDD since it's my year, i hope this year will be fruitful to me and hopefully, i got a job!!! i want a job so i can kumpul duit to go to news con in japan XDD i think rm5000 is enough??? wait...kinda too much...rm4000??? em, i wonder how much is the plane ticket... i got this fren who want to stay for abt 1 month in japan.i dun think i can afford it yo..sorry friend. but i want to go to japan asap..eventho if it's only 2 days, as long as i can c my beloved NEWS-tachi...
emm..ok..real life!! emm...nothing really..lol
oh, abt games...i finish phoenix wright justice for all XD hooray!! and now playing the 3rd installment, trials and tribulations..there's young Edgeworth XDD he's so grand XD
also, i already started playing Prof. Layton and the diabolical box. thankfully one of the emulator i dwld-ed work XD
what else ne....Christmas and New Year were kinda ordinary for me...
ooh!!! i watched NEWS DVD XDDD thanks to my MP friend XDDD i received it on 30th dec. my mother went to town that day to check the post...i even dream that i got the dvd. 2 diff dreams!! lol
kya!! love the dvd!! NEWS saikou!!!
yesterday i watched fly again perf again, and reading the lyric, makes me cry!!! T_____________T love this song!!!!
on 31st dec was my bday XD but nothing sp abt it...i was playing game i think...at nite, abt 10pm, me n my parents gather at the.."ruai" and wait for 12am (new year). when it strike 12 am, we drink "ai pengayu". it's so bitter!!! DX
and in the morning...nothing sp too..nothing i can think of...aii..so boring..
that's all. bye2 until next time...
kinda late, but wanna wish happy new year!!!!!!!
NEWS kakkoi!! *0* i LOVE this scan XD

2010 is the year of the tiger. it's my year!! XDD since it's my year, i hope this year will be fruitful to me and hopefully, i got a job!!! i want a job so i can kumpul duit to go to news con in japan XDD i think rm5000 is enough??? wait...kinda too much...rm4000??? em, i wonder how much is the plane ticket... i got this fren who want to stay for abt 1 month in japan.i dun think i can afford it yo..sorry friend. but i want to go to japan asap..eventho if it's only 2 days, as long as i can c my beloved NEWS-tachi...
emm..ok..real life!! emm...nothing really..lol
oh, abt games...i finish phoenix wright justice for all XD hooray!! and now playing the 3rd installment, trials and tribulations..there's young Edgeworth XDD he's so grand XD
also, i already started playing Prof. Layton and the diabolical box. thankfully one of the emulator i dwld-ed work XD
what else ne....Christmas and New Year were kinda ordinary for me...
ooh!!! i watched NEWS DVD XDDD thanks to my MP friend XDDD i received it on 30th dec. my mother went to town that day to check the post...i even dream that i got the dvd. 2 diff dreams!! lol
kya!! love the dvd!! NEWS saikou!!!
yesterday i watched fly again perf again, and reading the lyric, makes me cry!!! T_____________T love this song!!!!
on 31st dec was my bday XD but nothing sp abt it...i was playing game i think...at nite, abt 10pm, me n my parents gather at the.."ruai" and wait for 12am (new year). when it strike 12 am, we drink "ai pengayu". it's so bitter!!! DX
and in the morning...nothing sp too..nothing i can think of...aii..so boring..
that's all. bye2 until next time...
i miss news,
news is love,
real life