December 27, 2009
Random talk session 108: quick post on suwabe
anyhow, this is gonna be a quick one. was checking okiayu's blog..and saw this pic:
O_o @ suwabe's hair..hahaha. i seriously hate curls lol. i want to laugh looking at his hair..oh suwabe...but for some reason, after staring it for some times, i kinda like it. seriously. wth??? i thought i hate curly hair? darn u suwabe making me confuse lol
as for okiayu...the front hair is too long! please cut it!! lol
i am quite confident this is for some tenipuri event bcoz minagawa is also there and yukimura's seiyuu (dunno her name)...i hope they have another songs event...the 100 songs marathon was so fun. it's such a shame they only did it for 1 should be annually event XD i mean, they have so many songs!!
end!! bye2
Random talk session 107: namikawa daisuke & yusa koji
my seiyuu history~
a 2 part-er.
1st one is namikawa daisuke~
namikawa daisuke~ he's sooo cute >_<. this guy has a diff history to me lol. it's bcoz i kno the real person 1st than his voice. i dunno if i should consider his as my fav seiyuu..i like him more than his voice lol. now i make no sense at all.haha. ok, i meant, his voice doesnt sounds special to me..BUT i love the guy so much XDDD i wish i can meet him one day XD so, back to my story...i first saw this guy in the neoromance clip (ala mode 3). he's so freakin cute in there!! eh...wait..or did i see him in the 100 songs first? emm...nah..i think it is the neoromance was doing that skit soo cutely lol my heart want to skip bcoz of his cuteness XD gah!!! but at that time, i cant recoqnize his take quite a while until i can hear his voice...once, i even mistook his voice!! i was watching bleach. i forgot the character name...appolo?aporo? it was the arrancar wit the eyeglasses and pink hair lol. actually that was toriumi kousuke voice!! Double fail to me!! toruimi should have an interesting story too. save for later ne.haha. emm...where was i.oh,.yeah..i thought the arracar voice was namikawa's voice when it was actually toriumi kousuke's voice. i cant believe i made such a big mistake!! anyway,..then, finally i can recoqnize namikawa's voice in d.gray man anime. he was playing one of the AKUMA character. lol. i totaly can hear his voice there XDD. ...ok, next is the 1st song i heard from namikawa is...i guess the songs in tennipuri 100 marathon. his duet wit shishido..and brand new days...what else..emm..i think that's it :) next is yusa koji!!
i missed namikawa,so i check up my old seiyuu related video. he's still cute lol i also watched fuumon perf again. long time since i watched it.kinda miss it.hehe.everytime i watched tis vid, i'll be reminded how i didnt recognize suwabe's made me feel so frustrated for making such's like not recognizing ur own boyfren lol....and i watched the happen again!!!!! arghh!!!!!! yusa koji!!!! arrghhh!!!! remember this entry? how i wonder who was the guy from the was yusa koji!!!!! why the hell i didnt recognize his voice????? i should already can recognize his voice quite wel at that time, but not his singing voice...maybe that's y i didnt hear his voice when i watch tis song before..and he look very very cute in the vid XD quite diff from the yusa koji i knew lol. and he was like, very concentarating in singing. the others was like, wit their own singing style, but yusa was kinda stiff XD lol i need to find more vid of him singing!!
it's very intriguing that i hear his voice rather than his appearance to kno tht is him.haha..guess that's y he is consider as one of my fav seiyuu XD
ok..since i am suddenly in yusa koji mood, i'm gonna tell his history..
the very first time that i recognize his voice is as ichimaru gin in bleach. after that i become aware of his voice in every anime i watched. i see the real person in the bleach wii game...i thought he was kinda cute, for a seiyuu XD. there was also when i found his wedding picture i was really sad lol i wish the bride was me lol. the 1st song i heard frm him is gin's songs, and also the duet wit rangiku (bleach) which is also one of my fav song, so i repeat it quite a lot..that's about it ne...
so...from this seiyuu history topic, i have done for okiayu,hiroki,kiuchi, namikawa and yusa koji...actually i already make one for suwabe but i havent post it..later ok XD. i think i should make a master post..emm...
bye! until next time ya :)
Random talk session 106: games and seiyuu talk
Was able to online for this one day. the server is still slow as snail. Gah celcom, WTH happened???? y so slow???? i was planning to dwld gintama. but the dwld speed is too slow...i am just not patience enough....Gintoki, wait for me ne...hhmm.. anyway...first, about games...i finish playing professor layton and the curious vilage game!! actually i kinda cheated though *bricked*. i find the answer in the internet. shoganai yo. i wanted to kno the ending so bad XD. btw, i really love the ending!!! so heartwarming (kandoshita!!). Prof. Layton is really a loveable character ne XD and then i wanted to play the 2nd game but my emulator cant display the dialogue!!! arghhh!! and now, i just dwld some new emulator but somehow it make my pc hang when i try to extract the zip sad!! I want to play the game....
next is phoenix wright game. also finish the 2nd game, justice for all xD and now i am playing the 3rd game, trial and tribulations. pretty tough yo~ i was stuck at one point and had to find the walkthrough. justice for all was also the same...i think the 1st game is the only game that i didnt need the walkthrough and finish it my own (wait..only the first 4 cases tho. the 5th one, i needed a walkthrough too T_T)
i love i am playing the 3rd game while waiting for his appearance..hahaha...emm...
what else ne...oh, raja lawak starts today lol. i am supporting the guy who can speak japanese lol forgot his name..JD? or was it J.D.?? haha..actually i am very envious that he can speak japanese very well, but i love his "lawak" lol and he has a great personality. somehow he remind me of someone but i just cant think who..hhm...well, the guys from sabah are also good. why no contestant from sarawak ne. sarawakian not funny? lol.
next!! seiyuu talk~~~ i miss this fandom *sigh*
the other day i was watching tenipuri 100 songs marathon...and..watched higachuu part that i didnt watch before lol. yes, i nvr listen to their part and always skipped their songs whenever i watch this video *is killed* anyway...and i LOVE their songs! omg!! i am surprised myself la.haha.the captain's song (i dunno his name lol), chinen horoshi's song and kai yuujirou's song (kyaa~ daisuke nakamura~ i think he is the youngest in the seiyuui casts XD He's older 1 year than me hehe )...
ok..about this seiyuu fandom...up until now, my fav seiyuu is suwabe and okiayu, but i think it was decided bcoz of my tenipuri obsession haha..but thinking back, the earliest voice that i heard and recognize was actually midorikawa hikaru. yeah, really one of the earliest. AXN was airing slam dunk and curious play. and then i noticed rukawa sounded like tamahome...yeah...midorikawa voice surely bring back lots of yeah, i can say, his voice is special to me. ok, next special seiyuu XD. actually, 3 of them. they are the seiyuus which i remembered their name XD Seki Tomokazu, Koyasu Takehito and Miki Shin'ichiro. if i was ask to name ' seiyuu that i kno" i would always say these 3. i would answer these 3. and even now, i would always feel nostalgic listening to their voice, like i would remember my teenage days..weird ne..hahaha...and more weird thing, there was this time i was watching the vid that have 3 of them and it feels as if the voice does not belong to them. i kinda imagine anime character when i hear their voice...hmm...
bye!! i'll already make a namikawa and yusa koji it later...dun want to put so many things in one entry lol
December 26, 2009
Random talk session 105: i hate the dentist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and it's kinda late, but merry christmas to the world!! what happen to me...something really happen alrite. this last tues (22/12) i went to sibu to say in english eh???? pull out my teeth? 3 of anyway, it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo painful i tell youuuuu!!!!!!!! when they pull out my teeth, it is not painful, but the moment they stuck that stooooooooooooopid needle into ur gum, it hurts like helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!! arrgggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! futsu no itai janai yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! choo itai dakara!!!!!!!!!!! grrrr!!!! and i think that dental i went to is not good. that's y it was so cheap. and painful!!
grrrr!!!! after i was injected, my gum started to bleed. is that normal???huuuuhh????? so F**K*** painful damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is one of my hateful life i am gonna end it here...i just simply cant write a happy entry together wit this one.... be continue...
December 18, 2009
Random talk session 104: Sakura Wars
it's 18.12.09 today, and it's friday.
i am now in sakura wars craze lol. miss this anime. it's one of the 1st anime (in japanese audio) i watched, and also, loved XD gahhh i wanna watch it again. miss this anime soo much T_T
i remember once i tried to find scarf,ribbon-like thing to tie my hair like sakura lol i love most of the characters. maria, sakura, ....sumire can be a little annoying tho XD..oh, and iris~~ she's so cute >_< love her voice. wuu!!! wanna watch and listen to her voice again~ i miss iris~

oh, i also dwld a song call "kono yo wa tanoshii" just bcoz i want to hear iris's voice XD she's singing it wit ohgami XD i only hear this song once, and then the next morning, i found myself humming a song...and it was that tanoshii song lol. so, yeah, i am addicted to that song now XDD so catchy~ and i love ohgami XDD hehehe..just wanna say that..haha...
December 15, 2009
Random talk session 103: takahashi hiroki
continue from the last entry...
lol i am complaining....i dun kno y, but i cant access MP these few days..i think it's already a week..wonder wht's wrong ne...
hhmm...been a long time since i wrote something...i am kinda blur now...hahaha...anyhow...yesterday i was watching school is a kinda love comedy..i cant believe i am watching it!! i hate romance thingy yo! XDDD. well, i guess it's ok, the anime...hehe...
and i am being very amuse with the harima guy. he is funny. hahaha. and i think he's very cute. y? the typical reason. becoz i freakin love his seiyuu XD
see?? he is not my kinda bishonen, but i can accept i cannot? when i hear him i think of this guy..
i think he is the cutest in seigaku XD...he is my 4th fav member in tenipuri! hehe...hey! i am finally declaring my love for eiji like i said in my blogspot XDD wait...i am kinda out of topic..i was supposed to talk abt harima...haha...well...i hav no idea to talk abt harima, i still want to talk abt eiji XDD. frm wht i remember i had alwys like eiji since i watch the prince of tennis movie whn i was at matric..he looks like cat ne...and i love cats. XDD. ometto samba by cap to bin was one of the 1st tenpuri song i listen to, and i love eiji's voice in it...he sounds so cute...and then i starte to wonder how his seiyuu looks like since his voice is reallllly cute and unique. i was kinda forgot abt it until my seiyuu obsession first i was watching the neoromance clip i dwld and thn there was ths 1st i dun really attracted to him but aftr repeating the neoromance for too many times i thought the guy's voice was kinda i search fo him and how shock was i whn i found out he did the voice for eiji! his talking voice is soooo deep and low pitch but i can so totally hear his eiji voice...aftr tht tht guy just become one of my fav seiyuu just becoz he can make his eiji voice.
more hiroki..hehe...
he old..30 sumthing..gah i dun remmber...anyways...i found out tht his bday was 7oct...and i didnt make a post for him, but i did one for tezuka XDD hahaha...
so that was my entry on hiroki-san. to sum up. i first kno his voice from eiji prince of tennis. ometto samba by cap to bin is also the 1st song that i heard him sing. but that's in eiji's voice, which is very diff from his normal voice lol. i 1st saw him in the neo romance clip. until now i still havent found the full clip!
Random talk session 102: okiayu-san
about my stomach ache in the last post. i can say i am fully cure now. actually after that entry, my stomach still stomach ache starts on lasts for 5 days...i think i was cure on saturday.. server is so slow these past days. dunno y. grrrr!!! thankfully now it's a little ok. am still dwld-ing gintama 187. hehe..
ok..i was reading my older posts and i thought my seiyuu entries are unorganized. kinda. i dunno. lol it's all over the place.. the post i am talking about is how i kno the seiyuu. up until now, i've done for okiayu, hiroki,kiuchi...i think that's all. wait. i havent do one for suwabe? i thought i have. hmm...oh, i think the full okiayu entry was made in friendster blog. i dun really like friendster, so i think i am gonna move that entry here.
-okiayu ryoutarou-
the mini entry in blogspot.
from friendster (Posted on July 15th, 2008)
I dun consider myself a music lover but I sure love to listen to catchy music and especially the ones with the nice voices. Thus, the reason I love to listen to seiyuu so much (ah I almost type news there.hahaha. I guess love alwys comes with news in my head XDDD)…
anyways..yesterday I dwlded lots of okiayu ryotarou songs XD. Gah I reaaally love his voice. …his voices makes me think of the fluffy fluffy stuff and sweet cream caramel. Call me crazyyy???? Hahaha. Well…
Abt okiayu…well..i first listen to his voice in the slam dunk series. And then the first song i hear from him is..i dun remember the title…and the first time i hear him sings i thought his voice kinda funny..but now his voice just makes me think of caramel XDD …well…I totally remembers my first encounter with him ne. Wth?? Hahaha. Wht abt the real person??? Hmmm…oh! I remember. It was the wii thingy…when the bleach charac was playing wii games…okiayu was playing against itou kentarou (renji) ahahahah..he(okiayu) seems not very into it unlike itouken XD..hehe…and then he fought yusa koji(gin) (kkyaaa~~ i luv this guy too XDD)..
thank goodness okiayu (looks) does not shock me too much, or he might share the same fate of ohkawa tohru…damn this ohkawa guy…his voice sounds like a prince charming (well, MOST of the seiyuu does sounds like tht), but the real person is totally not…I will be akward of his voice for a very very long time…maybe it is the age?? ohkawa is pretty old…but kazuhiko inoue is an old man too (lolder thn ohkawa even 0_0), but i am ok with his looks…i think he is quite cute wht XDD hahahaha. i cant believe i just said tht XDD
December 09, 2009
Random talk session 101
i had a terrible stomach ache these past 2 days! it's so painful!!! i cant sleep bcoz of it. feels so uncomfortable! such horrible feeling. hate to be sick. now my stomach feeling a lttle better though, thankfully...still hurt a little, but i can bear it..
ok. update. about 2 weeks i didnt online. fandom updates is in my multiply page. these past weeks i only played game. finish phoenix wright game and now i am playing the 2nd installment, "justice for all". sumthing wrong wit the emulator since yesterday, i cant cheat anymore...aii...i think i'll gonna find the walk-through in internet for this game..i kno, it's not fair and clearly, cheating, but i want to kno the story. and edgeworth is still havent appeared! DX i miss him! wuu!!!
besides playing phoenix wright, i am also playing the puzzle game, entitle professor layton and the curious village sumthing, kinda forgot the name. i kinda use the cheat too.haha. some of the puzzle are really hard ne. almost crazy finding the solution.
what else ne..nothing i can think of. so, i guess that's all! until next time! jaa!
November 29, 2009
Random talk session 100
nanto, nanto, it's my 100th random talk XD dunno why i feel it's kinda special XD heck, my multiply journal is already on it's 200th++ entries hahaha XD is also junno's bday! happy bday yo! i havent pay much attention to kattun fandom lately, but i still like junno XD
next! yesterday(sat) i went to my cousin's house lol been long time since i went there. i taste a tea wit strawberry flavor! weird taste! XD the foods were also delicious. thanks cousin :) oh, the whole buah manggis accident was funny XDDD
emm...ok, next topic! the ocean...i love the ocean~ bcoz it's so vast, so deep and so mysterious.
did u kno that the ocean is deeper than earth's high? ah~ so wonderful~ and there r so many bizarre creatures on the deep.,and mostly of them are sumthing that came out frm ur nitemare lol
...........i dun have any ideas :0 i think it's bcoz i am sleepy! bye2
November 27, 2009
Random talk session 99: Justice Sung
Before we have Astro i use to watch TVB series on TV2. ahh. such memories ne~ one of the drama that i still remember and certainly (becoz it's) my fav, Justice Sung. i watched this 10 years ago. i want to watch this drama again T_T miss it terribly! i almost cry when i watch the op song in utube...i tried to look for any clip on utube just to reminiscence back this drama but i cant find it T_T only found the op..but i found where to dwld it.. i even tried to dwld from sendspace, but it failed to dwld. my server just cannot dwld file more than 100mb..aaahhh!! i want to go to unimas just to dwld this drama!!! aarrghh!!!
The premise is on ancient china. it's about a lawyer...the lawyer, he kinda look like nino LOL....or it is just me? :P

ok, that's all today. actually i wanted to do an entry about 1 of my most fav interest: the ocean. that's gonna be my fav topic the next entry ne~ ah, and it's my 100th session XDD
bye :D
November 26, 2009
Random talk session 98
ohisashiburi ne~ i havent update for quite some times XDD kinda. lately, been verrrry lazy..and nothing particular happen for me to blog...
emm....yeah.cant think of anything...
fandom..NEWS is still doing nothing DX and most probably ryo is not gonna be wit NEWS on countdown bcoz of the whole kanjani con T_T AND COUTDOWN IS MY SPECIAL DAY OF THE YEAR!!! I WAS SO SAD WHEN I READ ABOUT THIS T_T, about yamapi con. many guest came, except for NEWS members? WTH? koki came, nakamaru came, jin,toma,takki....half of KATTUN already sad..but at least, there's some pin moments XDDD so cute~~ and eternal is such nice song *_* it's in my head these few days. even before i sleep i would hum the song (in my head XD)
next...Gintama. i watched until ep 184. didnt expect the culprit to be yamazaki lol the end is sad and hillarious at the same time hahaha. .
emmm...what else...cant think...
my sleeping habit seems to be normal nowadays...i slept early..around 11pm and woke up quite early too this morning woke up at 8am i think? emm...
ok...picture time XD

the always sweet and nice yamamoto wit those smug face *3* kakkoi yo!! hehehe..
ok ,that's all..bye bi~
November 18, 2009
Random talk session 97: NEWS forever!!!
last nite..i dwld NEWS share perf from utube..wuu..i cried the whole song!!! T_T i was really sad!!
i've been waiting for this perf since koi no abo. but at that time, it turns out that only the mp3 was released in koi no abo. and then the thought of "will i ever meet the guys" broke my heart!!! i become more sad!! ...koyama, ryo,shige,yamapi,massu,yuya giving their appreciation to the fans through this song..i am so touched!!
SHARE lyric (credit to suketeru@LJ)
Among the countless encounters we met and became friends
we share different emotions and face the shining tomorrow
In tough times let's cry together, in happy times let's laugh together
With everyone's love and smiles I can always be gentle
Before we realized it we've grown and become what society calls splendid adults
We each came holding our own beliefs
we each had things we couldn't convey
Not forcing ourselves to become one
days we can't mingle together, that's fine as it is
because it's the color every single one of us holds
to draw a brilliant marble
Saying, "I'd like to hold you", always in the bottom of my heart
We all created the stage together, "thank you" I'll always be grateful
My happy feelings so obvious, I got carried away today too
Come here, let's sing together, let me hear your singing voice
Holding hands, I think on my own
right now it feels natural
The sound, wind, light we share
come together and change into one road
going further on as far as the eye can see,
that's why I say even after 10 years
until now, from now on, forever
thank you for being next to me
Even in sad moments, laughing, crying, crying let's forget
Coming together even though we have no business to do
laughing at meaningless conversations
Even if we grew apart, our hearts remain connected as one
I'll always be next to you, I promise you
Meeting you, and seeing your laughing and crying expressions
all of it is my treasure
Always always let's continue walking on
i wanna love NEWS forever!!! zutto zutto itsumademo aishiteimasu!!!
November 15, 2009
Random talk session 96: 3 gintama pictures
nothing happened today (or rather yesterday/ saturday)...nothing i can remember...
eemm..i remember i wacthed gintama ep 182 yesterday. omg! so funny!!! i love this anime more and more now!!!
i thought ep 182 is gonna be 1 ep story. but it was actually the start of an arc. popularity arc lolz
well, i am thinking of doing a full version summary in my multiply site...wonder if i can finish it. haha. more idea...bring out the pictures!!


last one is..a funny picture XD
November 14, 2009
Random talk session 95: rambling about my drawing
today is 14 november 2009. saturday. and it's also my fren's bday. otanjobi omedetto! i drew ichigo for her...

about this picture...i am not really satisfied wit it...the eyes r kinda weird...the nose..the mouth (i just realized, his mouth position is wrong) and his hair! this is the 3rd time i draw ichigo and i always have problem with his hair! i hate drawing spikey hair! haha!! but then again, i kinda like this drawing bcoz i manage to draw the hand(fingers)... kinda good FOR MY LEVEL.haha. seriously, i dunno how to draw hands at all..
one of the reason why (sometimes) it's (kinda) easy (for me) to copy kubo tite's art, bcoz his line/stroke is kinda rough and messy...not really symmetry. Clamp's work, for ex, is so smooth, i just dunno how to copy it..haha..well, next time i'll try to draw the others bleach character.
besides, i am glad i draw sumthing that's kinda good this year...
that's all! until next time!
November 05, 2009
Random talk session 94: misha collins
i found misha collins's twitter. LOL he's such a funny guy!!!
i know him from supernatural. he is the actor for the character castiel.

and i totally love his outfit *__________* i think that's one of the reason i fall for him XD haha!!
castiel is a very serious character. he NEVER smile in the show! but, the real person is crazy! in a good way XD
that's all for today :D
Random talk session 93: ishida yamato
yesterday...was wathing a funny video on utube. about brock (from pokemon). he looks so funny wit eyes open. LOL i cant stop laughing. repeating the video too many times make me love the background song. and waddya kno. it's matt's (yamato. from digimon) song. yamato!! i miss that guy. havent seen him for soo long. oh gawd. he is seriously, one of my all time fav character *_*. I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!! so, i try to find his pic in photobucket. and i found this cute love quote:
"you know you are in love when you cant fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams"
aww~~ so cute. i am not really the mushy mushy a.k.a.jiwang type, but that was really cute ne XD
ok..back to bushiness...yamato~~

i never think green would look so kakkoi XD and i think this is the reason i have a thing with sleeveless now XDDD and turtleneck XD GAH. i wish i can watch digimon again >,<
-right now, listening to yamato image song, it's his 02 song, not adv XD the title is..i cant remember! it's too long too remember XD haha yesterday i repeated it so many times, but i didnt like it. after i listen it to it again now, i actually found it quite catchy XD nice song eh! hehehe!!
that's all for today. goes to play mafia wars in facebook XD bye2
November 01, 2009
Random talk session 92
today is 1st of nov, sunday! these are the significant things that happened today..hehe..
i browsed utube...and suddenly, i wanted to hear pokemon johto i watched the video..argh! this song, as catchy as ever *____________* i even almost cry bcoz of the nosalgic feeling and also bcoz of the awesomeness of the song XD
i am not really pokemon fan (anime) XD but i enjoy playing the game XD and one thing, gary looks soooo kakkoi in the op song *_________*
ah...ealier, i dwld tenka's (from houshin engi) song...tenka is so handsome *____* my love for him totally sky-rocketed after i hear houshin engi songs XD he has a very very very handsome voice! XDDD
i found this one nice scans from the internet.. news..the the dvd is already on utube and somebody has upload them. wit my lousy connection, there's no way i can finish dwld-ing...arghh!! so frustrating!!!! i dun wan to wacth LQ vid from utube....
news_jpop LJ comm also begun to flood wit screencaps and icons from the dvd..and i will not peek a look DX must be patience!!! but i think mayb i am gonna dwld fly again later XDDDD
emm..that's all!! bye2
October 31, 2009
Random talk session 91
tday is 31th october! happy hallowen~ it's almost was during the same time last year, i was beginning to drift away from my NEWS fandom....
i admit it...i am paying more attention to Gintama fandom nowadays XD gintoki >_____< love the guy so much XD
but hope everything gonna be fine after the release of Diamond Live DVD XD
that's all..i dunno what else to write..
October 26, 2009
Random talk session 90: OTP
neway! a new OTP! haha!!! it's gintoki x hijikata XD this new obsession is becoz of the awesome doujinshi by PLUG (circle's group name) @ Nagisa that i read!

PLUG's doujin is soooo cute and sweet!!!!!!! the most recent i dl is call "call" haha. mind the pun.'s really cute!! how many times must i say it? >o<
Random talk session 89: many things!
gintama,seiyuu fangirl mode,nostalgic song & weird song
today is monday. it's 3:13 am.. anyway....i've been OL for about 12 hours non-stop...
wasnt really intend to OL today..but sumthing come fren's pc couldn't be on!! And she had assignment due tomm...i mean, today! and the assignment doc is in the computer! so i tried to look for solutions on the net to help her..but i cant find any..sorry fren... meant, yesterday...i read a rumor on gintama..rumor about the ending of gintama anime..omg! i was on the verge of crying when i read it!! NO!! PLEASE DUN END!!! AT LEAST UNTIL THE EPISODES ARE MORE THAN ONE PIECE EPISODES. ONEGAI! 3oo yen ageru kara!
lol for my MP...lazy to rephrase haha..
anyway...rite now..i am listening to houshin engi OP song, will, and i havent hear this song for like....5 years?? or it is more?? how am i feeling rite now? it goes:
3 PEOPLE. 2 soft voice, and 1 rough/kakoi voice.
BUT ANYWAY I AM THE MOST HYPE FOR YOUZEN'S VOICE *_________________________*
ARRGHHHH!!!!I AM DROWNING IN THEIR VOICE *_______*! i am listening to houshin engi end song, friends. also, haven't hear this song for ages. but it has a different impact than the song by the gorgeous houshin guys XD. it's the original version, so i feel more. MUCH MUCH MORE nostalgic. i was about to cry if i didnt hold the tears. actually i am still feeling like crying.....i remember the days when i was wacthing ths ending song, at that time, i was 17(or was it 16?) years old....i was deeply, deeply in love wit anime and houshin engi is one of my fav anime. ah, i remember the feeling. i cant hold back the's so sad and happy at the same time *tearing up* i wonder if my passion my anime has decreased since thing for sure, i really did forgot about anime bcoz of news...the old me, who once said, that there will never be a fandom that will surpass my passion for anime...and i was so wrong...when i totally abandon them and goes to NEWS no minna-san....but now, i guess, i'm back to anime fandom again...
earlier, i dwld a song that i listen to when i was in KML. ah. the nostalgic feeling. flowing like crazy!!!!!!!!! i almost cry!!! KML. is certainly one for my best memories.
rest the sad i am gonna talk about a weird song that i dwld...haha...really really really weird...the songs, u can say, a very cute song, but the voice surely isnt cute at all! the guy sounds a little perverted maybe? but i still thought the song super cute! a smile crept out everytime i hear it! now, doesnt that make me the weirdo?
haha! bye!
August 27, 2009
Random talk session 88: icon dump
August 26, 2009
Random talk session 87: dreams & ishida shocking image lol
anyways...the day before yesterday i check some random icon post and found ishida half naked icon.

i thought it was fanart but it is actually official art!! i ask for the original picture from the icon maker. and omg what a shock! it's not "OMG ISHIDA!!" but more like "OMG KUBO TITE!!! WTH ARE YOU THINKING???????!!!!!!!!!"
seriously, i cant believe kubo tite draw ishida like tht lol he must love the fangirls so very much. say yes to fanservice ne..haha... renji and ichigo dun even get so much exposure lol even chado is ok..but ishida *_*.
enough of that..yesterday i done some manga coloring lol. ehh...i didnt put the picture in my pendrive...ah..i'll edit this entry later..hehe...

August 24, 2009
Random talk session 86: in a 20th century boys mood

the movie is like all mysterious and..mysterious XDD so full of mystery XDDD it's a trilogy movie,so the end of the movie i watched was a cliff hanger! i couldnt wait to kno what's happening, so i dwld the manga XDDD
i finish the whole 24 volume in about 4 fav character's det. chouno shouhei XDD he's so cute XDDD i love him the 1st time that he appeared XDD. i am so glad that the handsome naohito fujiki is his actor XDDD
comment about the movie...actually i didnt really understand it...this movie is gonna be a problem for someone who didnt read the manga....but 1 merit of the movis is how it stay so faithful to the manga...the camera angle and also the costumes...even the necktie pattern is the same! XDD
comment about the manga...before this, i watched monster, another work from naoki urasawa...i love monster..his story telling is great and i am more impress for 2oth century boys. the characters are not random (maybe a few, but they are still essential for the plot).. review is so bad...i am not good wit words XDD well, all i can say. this manga is awesome. as expected from naoki urawasa....everybody should read it...ehehe...
offtopic...recently i find myself to be bored wit shonen anime/manga...for ex: reborn...the new ep are out but i havent dwld it....aiii...lazy...
August 17, 2009
Random talk session 85: Graduation...
added one picture XDD thank u to the photographer, for helping me taking the pictures XDD
me? lol
August 14, 2009
Random talk session 84
lately been so lazy to blog anything...maybe after convo i'll post sumthing..hehe... to go! wow what a empty post...
July 13, 2009
Random talk session 83: another boring day
ahh..about my is not compatible wit internet sad :( i really love tis layout the future mayb i'll change it again...the one that can be view in IE...aii...
now is 2:48 pm..aah..i am kinda hungry....
that's all...bye!!
EDIT at 5:19 pm
went to eat at alamanda red cafe at 4.:30 pm...this time i saw zul lol. not chem's zul, but biochem's zul XDD haha!! i thought that person look like turns out, it is him..haha..i didnt wear my glasses mah..he surprised me actually XD suddenly go to my table XDD like the othrs, he also shocked to c me at unimas....i am just having fun maa...want to dwld..hehe...lnext time cant go to unimas anymore...isnt it nice if i can work at unimas..aii...
anyways..tht's all...
July 12, 2009
Random talk session 82: New layout =D wht to write...emm...i am at cais rite now...nothing to do..cant dl bcoz my pendrive already full....
to my fren...hope u balik soon...hehe..i want to watch heroes la..hehe...
emm...wht back hurts DX
today woke up at 10am..i had a bad dream..not really bad...but i dreamt i was very very mad...i wonder y...and then i went to cais...had to far...spend for a bout 5 hours at about 4:3o pm i went to alamanda red cafe to eat...the same menu...nasi ayam madu and milo ice...and then unexpectedly i saw ann and foziah XDD they thought i still hav paper to repeat...haha..and then aftr finish eating, i went to cais again..and here am i..nothing to do..
i dwld-ed 45 parts of transformer 2...for my brother la! i dun want to buy the money maa..i hope it wont get deleted..i put in one of the cais comp...the movie has 78 many to dwld...DX
anyhow...i guess that's it...bye!
July 10, 2009
Random talk session 81: download frenzy
it has been 3 days at cais..and i finally found a great site for me to dwld many series..i am so overwhelmed!!! so many things i want to dwld but i didnt bring my pc!!! menyesalnya!!!! eeee!!!!
one of my waiting to be dwld list is house MD XDD i love house's sarcasm. hahaha XDD

i guess tht's it..dunno wht else to write...
June 30, 2009
Random talk session 80: xanxus

my brain: wow. tht's xanxus??
and then i scroll up the page....
....2 sec later...
...i find myself scrolling down the page...
*stares at xanxus*
finish staring...scrolls up the page again....
...2 sec later...
..scrolls down again and stare some more.
*repeats the up and down scrolling*
and then i realized sumthing.. omg. xanxus looks so kakkoi!! XD kyaahh!!
so weird XD i didnt really like him in the varia arc, but now i think i love him XDD hehe!!
June 28, 2009
Random Talk Session 79: rebocon 2009
anyway....the people at the longhouse is still karoke-ing di luar loud. *pop veins* i feel very very very annoyed listening to one of the iban song..i dunno wht the title but i hate tht song...and they just had to song tht song for many times..arghh!!! thankfully i hav my headphone....
reborn concert , or in short, rebocon 2009!!!!!!!!!finally it's on utube!! the highlite for's the varia XDD hehehe!!! last year, there were only vongolo family.
below is an entry before i watch it XDD so-called pre-entry?? lol, there is no such thing la..haha!!
finally this year, thy bring the varia family too!! ok, i'm happy of varia just bcoz squalo is in it XDD hahaha!! i wonder how hiroki acts as squalo!! and how would he do his hair tis year haha XD it would be very amusing. i kno it will XDD haha.and also, ryohei!!!! one of the 2 only thing i look forward for rebocon 2009 (the another one, of course, squalo XD..ok, tht might not really true...i kinda want to c yamamoto XDDD and hopefully some 8059 fanservice lol)....ok...where was i...oh! ryohei!! i hope he sings kyokugen fighter!
so....aftr i watch a few of the clips it..tis is my comment (and kinda correspondence for the above XD)
- about varia..only 3 of them..squalo, lussuria n bel. i was surprised xanxus wasnt there...
- hiroki looks so cool wit his costume XD cant see his hair bcoz he was wearing a hat..
seriously..y?? squalo is not the "hat" guy XD lol i meant, his charac doesnt wear hat....hiroki-san, wht's wrong??
- next, ryohei! or shud i say, kiuchi-san!!!!! sdhfjghdf HE LOOK SO FREAKIN GOOD WITH THE BLACK SHIRT jkdsfhsdkjdsjkdhsh. this guy. really. XD i want to meet him XDD but the thoughts of seeing him in person, is really intimidating XD he is really big yo!! he's tall and big like a bear lol tht was such an insult to kiuchi!!! *hits self*. ok, let me rephrase tht sentence. he's tall and big and cute like teddy bear XDDD. tht's so much better XDDD. more comment abt kiuchi inthe con..he look smaller/slimmer/thinner XD lol..i hope he is not sick or sumthing...
- i dun think i can finish dwld-ing the whole con. so i just hope i stumble upon his solo song or sumthing....i still want to hear him singing kyokugen fighter live...aii...
- 8059 fanservice? emm..i guess there's a little XDD in their duet song XDD gokudera's seiyuu, (ichinose) kinda taps yamamoto's seiyuu (inoue suguru) at the back XDD and the the end XD but tht one it's more like cool pose than a fanservice XD haha!!
tht;s all on rebocon 2009! XD
yesterday i watched the rebocon 2008 again XDD in the show, hibari n mukuro sang sakura addiction...
end!! actualy there is more to write about for the2008 concert, but there is just too many XDD i am too lazy XDD
ok..the real end!!
May 30, 2009
Random talk session 78-2: fandom related
tegomasu is gonna hav a concert tour!!! i was shocked whn i heard the news. mean, thy r only a subunit, but they r gonna hav their own con tour....amazing rite? XD. anyway...i am so happy for them..ganbatte tegomasu!!! is abt ryo's drama, with takki. it's a fantasy story! so i am really excited for it XD. before tis, ryo is alwys in a "slice of life" drama..and i dun really like tht kinda story. last fren for exmple....ryo as an abusive is an interesting character, but domestic violence story is not my interest. and then, ryo is also co-star in another drama titled, ryusei no kizuna... tis one is kinda interesting, bcoz it's a mix of a mystery and comedy....but....i dun think i'm gonna wacth tis...i dunno...who knows.....
next is abt yamapi's new drama...unlike ryo, yamapi is a must watch for mw evntho his drama is kinda boring *cough*codeblue*cough*XD tis time he star in a drama call buzzer's a love drama...gah. i hate tis drama genre too....but it's*sigh*
i think tht's abt it...wel, tis update was the same wit my multiply basically, i am repeating it again here....wht the...
ok..tht's all..mayb i'll edit tis later if i remember to...
Random talk session 78: life at home
today is saturday..30/6/, like usual, i did nothing...just watching tv and surfing the internet...while, my family was cleaning the house. the usual very lazy me. tsk3....*shake head*
tomoro is's almost gawai eve!!! and at 12am i hav to drink ai pengayu..i hate tht bitter...tis year i think i'll drink it a little bit...last year i was force to drink it..haha...
anyway...eventho it's gawai but i usualy i just lock myelf inside the house wathing tv...and eat the food XD. wht i like abt gawai is there is a lot of food XDD i am gonna eat eat eat until i drop XDD hehehe...
ok..wht else...really nothing much to update..nothing..tht's al abt real life...XD
bye bi~
May 05, 2009
Random talk session 77: Argh. I HATE FUJI
EDITed ON 7 may2009:
anyway...emm...i hav no idea...
from koi no ABO perf dvd...
emm....ah!! reborn 130..the guest for haru2 interview is adult rambo XDD been a while ne!! i mean, the last time he appear...i think ep 70 sumthing?? i miss him XDD hehe..
gintoki n hijigata XDD hehe...bcoz i love these 2 guys XD

May 02, 2009
Random talk session 76: mostly seiyuu talk
emm..ok..yesterady wasnt able to go OL bcoz cais was closed....emm...i alerady take my pc on rain..but thankfully didnt too lebat..LOL i dunno wht lebat in english XD hahah!!!
ah!! i finish wacthing gintama that my OL fren burn for me XD. kyyaahh!! i love gintama!! such a random anime!! totally hillarious!! and i love gintoki XDD and the evil takasugi intirique me for some reason XD must be his voice XDD
emm...was looking at tis pic

ok..that's all!! jaa!!
April 29, 2009
Random talk session 75: what a day!
i woke up i had to use the 12 pm bus...and then i wait for van to go to saberkas...and there was a guy waiting there too.haha..and then came his 2 frens...haha!!! the 2 guys who came later looks kinda familiar to me..where did i see them ne...cant remember...anyway...and then, there is a van so me and the 1st guy use that van..dunno why the 2 othr guys dun...many thy waiting for the bus? cheaper by bus ne...and then suddenly the van driver said he had to sent someone else (school students) so he sent us back to unimas bus station..haiya...and then it started to i decided to cancel my plan to get the pc today. but i still waited bcoz it's kinda embarrass to just go away..haha...and then another van come...but it was full...the 1st guy went in..and then the 2 guys seems to wait for sumthing.. (me mayb XDD) well, i dun want to take the van...and then the 2 guys also get in the van...aftr that i went back to unimas...I WAS SOAKING WET!! it rain very heavily...but then when i came at campus baru, there was no rain..WTH??? gah. i should hav get my pc today..hope tomoro goes smoothly..
that's all...bye!!!
April 25, 2009
Random talk session 74: a lot of things is a few of my anime rants..
about gintama:
the dog in the gintama anime is call sadaharu.
who is the other sadaharu i kno?? it's inui sadaharu from prince of tennis. and dog is inui in japanese. get it? now i'll be thinking of inui when i c sadaharu XDD haha!!!
and lately inui made me think of spanner...haha XDD
LOL gintama is so random anime...sometime serious sometimes stupid...haha!!! yakitate japan still win though, just bcoz they made a parody of their own anime..cant beat that, ne. XDD
lol shisengumi is so funny...hearing sougou (souji rite?) voice and gintoki's voice makes me feel weird and some familiar feeling. it takes a while until i figure it out...haha XD it's bcoz the guys also did the voice for XTV anime....sougou's voice actor, suzumura kenichi do kamui's voice while gintoki's voice actor, sugita tomokazu do subaru's voice...these 2 characs are quite close ne, that's y i hav that familiar feeling XDDD
about darker than black:
i wacthed darker than black ep 1...and then i dun hav the mood to wacth it again now..WTH kiuchi??? why is his charac alwys kiss the girl in the 1st ep??? i was soooo jealous jsdfhsghsdgh DX hei-sama >.<
about eiji, hitman reborn (spoilers alert), and ryohei XD
been listening to cap to bin song lately....gah..eiji's voice *_* i am still amazed of hiroki-san for being able to SING with that voice XDD AND also RAP with that voice. hahaha!!! kyaaa!! eiji's voice sooo cute and high and yet hiroki's normal voice is deep and rough..i'll nvr get over that will i..haha...i love squalo XDD haha!! wht with the random squalo?? XD
update..hitman reborn.....why is kyoya from the past come????? i hope there is a proper explanantion for all this random time travel....emmm...i hope ryohei from the past can come to the future too XDDD not enough love for ryohei....poor ryohei....why do i alwsy fall for the not so popular guy XDD hahaha!!!
ok, first of all, he is one of the guardians, but he has no song until 2 years later....even his sis had a song and even that i-pin and rambo also has a song. and even the villain, varia members had one each. LOL ryohei, u LOST to lussuria yo!!! hahaha!!!
poor ryohei....i think he is the mangaka's@anime production least fav charac? XDD
about the movie mummy 3:
wacthed mummy 3...bfore that i read the coments on utube and many said it's suck..and i think so too....the story is so bad...i mean, 1, the part when they need a pure heart's blood to open the shngri-la was so corny and also, conveniently, evy is the person...i meant, it's not that i dun agree that evey is a good person, but really, why so conveniet????
2. the part when the evil emperor came so fast to their hideout is also so's like there is no use in hiding in the 1st place...
3. alex fallen in love with the girl...i dunno...i find it's so lame...the girl want to kill him in the 1st meating and then the next thing he's in love with her..and apparently the girl likes her back...lame man...lame...
but i still like the jokes style ffrom mummy movie XDD rick is so funny XDD and also the part with the skull soilders(the good one) is funny XDD when he hit his skull fren and apologized XDD hahah!!!
wacthing that movie made me want to watch mummy1 and 2 again...haha XDD
April 14, 2009
random talk session 73: yet
Random talk session 72: me again..
gah...i love him soo much...i like tis feeling..i want it to last forever....but, considering it's me, i think i'll forgot him aftr i finish wacthing monster....i am so sad just thnking of it...i love you tenma...
emm..ok, enough of the emo...actually i was trying to find oshitari on the radio talk (from oshitari album) translation...i dun find any tho...kiuchi sounds so funny...haha...he cursed 2 times! haha!! and when he was unable to change to oshitari's voice too XD so cute XD he said: "..mou dekinai"
haha!!! i think mayb i'll translate it if i hav time? I HAVE FINAL EXAM NEXT WEEK!!!!
Random talk session 71: aishiteru yo...
i love him soooo much!!!!!!!!!!
me, who usually fall for the bishonen type of guy. is actually in love with this kinda can i not??? he is like the kindness hero i ever the show, my fav moment,can u guess? it's whn he's happy and smiling. i love him so much!!!
i'm so glad he is voice by kiuchi XD
now i feel more awkward toward him (kiuchi XD).
and bcoz kiuchi also has a "hige"(moustache) just look at his face, u kno wht i mean XD..mayb i also c kiuchi whn i c tenma...wait..NO. i dun think so. kiuchi is too genki and too funny to be the emo tenma XDDD
oh!! see the little strand of hair?? i love that XDDD aww!!!!
gah. i want to hug tis guy.
April 04, 2009
Random talk session 70: Kiuchi Hidenobu
well, just want to express my feeling for kiuchi-san XDD
so that i'll remember that i was sooo in love with him. which i think is sooo wrong. and so very disturbing. XDD. hahah!!
who is tis kiuchi? seriously, he will scare anybody. hahaha XDD
my new obsession. kiuchi-san!! XDD full name kiuchi hidenobu. he is a seiyuu. how old was he..hhmm...i'll check later...but i think he's almost 40? XD well, typical me falling for old guys XDD
what kind of guy he is? wel, his trademark is his wel built body and also his small eyes XDD aww!!! cute XDD
kiuchi hidenobu...i hear his 1st voice acting as oshitari yuushi XD and aftr i kno abt megane's i fall for him abt i see the cover for megane's 1st single (go go go megane's). so, it began after i fallen for oshitari.
and earlier, actually oshitari scares me, bcoz his singing sound so seducing XDDD
and then, rite aftr i come to love oshitari, i found the 100 songs marathon vid. and his seiyuu is kiuchi hidenobu. he scare me too. yup, totally. i didnt like him. how could i.
anyhow. even oshitari's seiyuu scares me, i still love oshitari. i dwld all of megane's single and talk. and then wit the thought of respecting him for creating megane's i slowly, beginning to like him XD most probably bcoz of oshitari XD
and my love solid a bit whn i hear him in sayonara megane talk (Seiyuu talk) LOL. at that time is still cant hear his oshitari's voice. bcoz seriously he is one of those seiyuu that has a unique voice. it's sound so diff frm his talking voice,,,he also can sing using his character voice (oshitari). and i think his osaka dialect influence me in loving him more too XD
kiuchi laugh histerically XD hahahaha!!!!
and then recently i wacthed hitman 1st ryohei really dun attract me at all. but aftr i kno he is voice by kiuchi, i feel that i must love him XD and then i just want ryohei too come out bcoz i want to hear his ryohei voice XD at that times i still dun recoqnized his voice..but now i think i do XD and then i download ryohei's character song just bcoz i want to hear his ryohei singing voice XD omg i totally love the song. and the cover for the song is just so freaking hawt!! hawT!!! jskdfhs so HAWT!!! and i think there is where my real obsession of ryohei and kiuchi start XD. i also dwld-ed reborn's con carnival...and i once again i absolutely fall for kiuchi there. i thought he was so funny and when he lift nakamaru i am just amazed. he is the real deal. he is strong xDDD and my love increase yet again XD And then i also listen to reboraji and then my love increase yet again. XDDD and then i also begin to dwld monster to hear his voice XD omg tenma's character is sdjfhgdhfsg he is so my guy. with a very pure, innocent, kind-hearted!!! his kindness melt my heart!!! he is the kind of guy tht would be shy and passive and blushed when girls want to flirt with him and yet, he will approach a quiet girl and try to talk with her to make the girl feel comfortable and all better. gah. he is so nice...he is an angel. every time he appeared in the anime, my heart feel warm and fuzzy muzzy..when he cry, i feel like hugging him so much..he is too pure for tears!!! jdshfgjh
kyahh!! i love tenma!! and kiuchi XDD
that's all. my story of kiuchi. XD
March 18, 2009
Random talk session 69: I AM VERY ANGRY
my fren said tomoro will tell polymer midterm result..ah!! i am so scare!!!! i hope i can pass!!! so scare!!!!!!!
i dun hav any idea to write..oh..i was eating at sakura..and there was this annoying guy!!!!!!!! gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FREAKIN WISH HE CHOKED AND HAD A VERY PAIN STOMAHACHE AFTER EATING!!!!!! DAMN YOU******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE INCONSIDERATE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!
March 17, 2009
Random talk session 68
cant believe the question was the one i dun understand the most and dun bother to understand TT_TT. kuyashiii!!!!!
today me n my fren was planning to go to kuch but cancel...
haih....i am no mood bcoz i couldnt answer the quiz...wuu...!!!!
wht i want to write idea....gah...
emm...oh yesterday i was wacthing hitman reborn again.i think i actually really, really like adult rambo XDD eventho i kno he is one of the guardian (got the ring) but i was sooo freakin excited whn thy show him with the ring XDDDD kyyaa!!!! i love adult rambo XDDD kid rambo annoy me tho XD
oh and i find myself loving ryohei more XDD just bcoz of his song XDDD kyaahh!!! ryohei-sama!! i love u so freakin much ne!!!
and i also love gokudera...and yamamoto and hibari and dino XDD LOL
so conclusion, my love for ALL of them got increased XDDD
ah. 1 more thing....starting frm ep 3o sumthing, dino seiyuu was changed!!!!! i was sooooo shocked!!!!!!!!!! i really like his previous i hav to get myself used to his new voice....i wonder y thy change the voice ne...
March 14, 2009
Random talk session 67
yesteday i dwld many reborn scans XDD
oh the bias-ity XDD mostly i dl gokudera and dino's scans XD MOSTLY ok, i also dwld the othr charc scans too XD thy r just too gorgeous XD
i checked, the mangaka is really a woman ne tht's y the arts is soooo kakkoi XDDD
eemm...wht else....i hav no more idea...ja ne~
March 13, 2009
Random talk session 66: FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL *DIES*
Random talk session 65
ahaih....i dunno y...i feel so...down today...nothing excite me...
well, there is XD it's gokudera XDD i am googling his picture XD this guy is so kakkoiiii~~~
ah...but still... i dunno y i still feel so empty today...aiiihhhh....
emm...dunno wht to say...emm..ok..since i am still in gokudera mood, i'm gonna talk abt hitman reborn anime XD
i read hitman reborn manga frm my fren arena comic...and i like gokudera immediately XD if i hav to say, he is my 1st fav...aftr wacthing more of reborn ep, my favs just keep on increasing XD aftr gokudera, i love dino XDD he is so cute n kakkoi XD and yamamoto is funny too XD his laugh XDD haha...and...ah, hibari is...i think i like him...but i dunno ne...he is still in consideration XDD as for ryohei...actually i dun like him but aftr i know his seiyuu is kicuhi-san i just feel like liking him XDD..and..who else...ah, adult rambo is very kakkoi too XDD but he is a little baka ne..haha...ok..who else..the dr...nah...i dun like him tht much XDD but he is ok there anymore??? as more tsuna...he is kinda cute too and funny..and he is the hero...i guess i like him too XD
ok..tht's all...aaaiii...i am still feeling down...bye~
March 12, 2009
Random talk session 64
and unexpectedly today got quiz...thankfully i went to class today XDD
eemm....nothing sp to write...yesterday i dwld-ed more of reborn eps...seriously it's so funny!! hahaahahah!! and also i start to dwld new anime..marginal's amusing...lots of bishonen but the anime plot seems weak ne...and the drawing is maa maa...
oh yeah..finally i listen to all need is rave by sekitomo..but there is also musica ver!!!!!!!!! i want to find it!!!!!!!!!!! dsjfhjksdfhcasj THIS SONG IS SOOOO CATCHY!!!! dsfjkksdsajd i hav to find musica ver!!!
ok, enough abt tht...eem...wht else...oh...these days i alwys fail in recognizing seiyuu's voice....
case 1: shiba from rave.
-HIS VOICE is really familiar!! but in the end i cant think who's voice is it, so i check in the was the same voice as neji in naruto..gah!! i fail so freakin much.
case 2: ryohei from hitman reborn
-I DIDNT EVEN REALIZED IT WAS KIUCHI's VOICE!!!!!!!! WTH IS WRONG with ME??????? skdjlsajdlasdh dfkjksdhf ahsufhcusa
kiuchi san is really amazing with his voice alteration XD i alwys find his yuushi's voice sooo sexy but he didnt sound sext at all as ryohei. hahahah!!!
despite all this fails, i still able to recognize naruto voice in rambo XDDD
ok, tht's all..ja!
March 08, 2009
Random talk session 63
ok...last fri (6mac) i went to kuch wit my fren...we went to india street then went to wisma hopoh...we took taxi. rm8 o_O.
and then at hopoh i bought a sandal. a red one. and it was flat tooXDDD ahh, i should hav take some pic XD. it was rm18.
and then we went home. ..naik my fren's father car ne.hazukashii~~ XDD
ok then i used the new sandal but it made my feet blister T_T. so sakit!! and aftr that my kaki's little toe kembang and berair...T_T now is is still berair but not too besar anymore ne..
eemm...oh yeah..i am now in rave mood XDD i love that anime XDD and NEWS is still not doing anything. gah!!! it has been 5 months!!!!!! sumthing good better be happening!!
tht's all...
on tues has to submit problem set..i havent finish doing it ne..
March 04, 2009
Picture comment #2
i kno i love trunks but this pic make me ridiculously happy. *_____________*
ok, let see ne...trunks...whn he 1st appear actually his hair is short....still kakoi and thn aftr he went out frm the hyperbolic room, his hair is long *_________________* asfhsdjkfhsdgh
sooo kakkoiiii!!!! how many times must i say!!! XDDD
ahh..i remember whn i was reading the manga and i thought trunks was a girl . hahahaha. omg i thought he was a girll???? *shot*
really!! he look like a girl!! and i was really happy whn i know he was a guy XDDD heheheh!! my lover!! hohoooho!!! XDDD
ok, tht's all~
March 03, 2009
Random talk session 62
ah, just earlier i read about ryo involving in a car accidents...he was ok ne..thankfully...haiya..ryo should be more careful ne...i was kinda worry XDD
wht else...eemm...
ah! u kno, i really hate dub. my ear bleed hearing dub version!!! not tht i am saying tht i prefer jap audio, but i prefer ORIGINAL. even if the japs dub a series i think my ear would bleed to...there was this vid wi dwld-ed...actualy i wanted to c power rangers, but i didnt realize tht the vid was in jap. only abt 5 sec i wacthed the vid and i close it and deleted it..hahah!!
eemmm...though...the other day i was wacthing dragon ball z...the part where vegeta come crushing to earth/bulma's house..and then there was the scene vegeta called bulma...i thought he was kinda OCC (out of character) XDDD his voice and tone was lowered, so unlike vegeta at all XDD and i thought the eng version was a little better bcoz the voice actor is still in character..but still, horikawa's voice is soooo charming~~~~ like, seriously XDD i love vegeta more aftr i found out his voice actor XDD as for be serious, i dun really like his voice!!! quote from one of the comment in utube: goku is supposed to be the strongest guy in universe but his voice is soo girly!! i so agree with the comment...eemmm..tht's all ne..i think i want to go home and eat sumthing...mayb i go to cais again this afternoon..i hope the server is a little better then..bye~