
October 09, 2008

Random talk session 33: new obsession!

he is soo cute..hehe..whn i google him (like mad) i find a few pics of chubby namikawa XDD

-will add the pic if i find it XD-

and he is actually rabun. XDDDD hahaha!!!!!!! i dunno why guys like to wear contact..i think men with glasses is pretty cool wht!!! XD

gahhh!!!!!!! XDDDDD namikawa u!! i cant believe u r ulquoirra...i dunno if the name spelling is rite XD

ok. i'll say it no matter how many times. it's the is really the freakin damn hair. it got nothing to do with the look (ok, i lie, mayb there is a little XD) the point is i luv the freakin hair. gah. i dun want to get marry. i just want to marry ths guy. pls let me marry him!!! pls pls pls!!

oh, i found ths..

tht's namikawa btw. *__________________*

oh seriously pls let ths guy be mine!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD

so, i am declaring my love for this 32 (2008) guy at ths blog. i did it at my LJ. i so need to do it at blogspot too. mayb i'll do one for my 2 othr blogs...if i am not lazy...

namikawa is done. next i want to google okiayu..konishi..hiroki...and also suwabe love XD