
February 01, 2011

Random talk session 189: INTOXIC BY VOICES

hello's 1/2/2011.. tuesday... continue from the last entry lol

nnnnnnnngggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh toochika koichi (yay, i memorized his name lol)

gah, ok, starts from here, when i get this 'excited' feeling, i'll call it intoxic lol

gah! this guy voice nnghhh.. but then again, actually i havent hear his usual talking voice in the song lol

ok, back to the original entry that i wanted to make lol

anyway.. i was watching/downloading one of weiss perf from utube... the song is called it's too late... love this song.. hehe.. actually i downloaded the song quite a time ago, and this afternoon, i so happen to listen to it again, and ever since then i ve been repeating it lol and then i found the live perf in utube.. so, wanna comment some few things heh

1stly, lol this is the 1st time i see mikishin since that awkward dream i had lol i still feel shy when i see him hahahaha and kya love the way he hold the mic XD

and then, sekitomo looks restless lol he is wit the most movement XD koyasu singing so.. what's the word? like, so unenergetic or sumthing XD he looks kinda tired lol yuki and mikishin also doesnt have any movement, but it;s not bad as koyasu lol no, i'm not complaining XD i think he's really tired.. he;s like sweating a lot! poor guy XD

emm....i think that's all.. lol