
March 23, 2010

Random talk session 132: Life in GEMS part 12

hello diary~ today is 23/3/2010 it's tuesday...

yesterday...was a tough all means...i dun want to talk about it...

emm...yesterday...i didnt eat didnt have breakfast, lunch or dinner...and this morning, i didnt take any breakfast too..and now it's lunch time, and i am still not eating, but doing this blog entry instead... i am surprised i am still have the energy now...*sigh* oh, i also didnt drink anything since yesterday afternoon..omg..i am surprised i can hold that long. usually i can tahan x makan, but i really cant tahan x's obvious, i was really, really, really sad yesterday. it is officially one the black moments in my i said, life goes on. i cant dwell on it for long time...

what else...about that guy..emm...did i saw him yesterday let me think..oh yes, i did. now i remember. i saw him when i was about to go to lunch, while waiting for my friend near the stairchase to the basement...

and that's it...i didnt see him again after that T_T

today i saw him at our office XD ah, why so cute~ and to be honest, he's really distracting. esp when he's behind me...and when he's in front of me...he became more distracting..i just want to stare at him forever..XD

emm...that's all..

oh yeah, today i'm a little sick...has slight fever...i woke up wit the weirdest voice..haha..

that's all for today..

-to be continue-